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Astro2020 APC White Paper Project: The Simons Observatory

Authors :
Abitbol, Maximilian H
Adachi, Shunsuke
Ade, Peter
Aguirre, James
Ahmed, Zeeshan
Aiola, Simone
Ali, Aamir
Alonso, David
Alvarez, Marcelo A
Arnold, Kam
Ashton, Peter
Atkins, Zachary
Austermann, Jason
Awan, Humna
Baccigalupi, Carlo
Baildon, Taylor
Lizancos, Anton Baleato
Barron, Darcy
Battaglia, Nick
Battye, Richard
Baxter, Eric
Bazarko, Andrew
Beall, James A
Bean, Rachel
Beck, Dominic
Beckman, Shawn
Beringue, Benjamin
Bhandarkar, Tanay
Bhimani, Sanah
Bianchini, Federico
Boada, Steven
Boettger, David
Bolliet, Boris
Bond, J. Richard
Borrill, Julian
Brown, Michael L
Bruno, Sarah Marie
Bryan, Sean
Calabrese, Erminia
Calafut, Victoria
Calisse, Paolo
Carron, Julien
Carl, Fred. M
Cayuso, Juan
Challinor, Anthony
Chesmore, Grace
Chinone, Yuji
Chluba, Jens
Cho, Hsiao-Mei Sherry
Choi, Steve
Clark, Susan
Clarke, Philip
Contaldi, Carlo
Coppi, Gabriele
Cothard, Nicholas F
Coughlin, Kevin
Coulton, Will
Crichton, Devin
Crowley, Kevin D
Crowley, Kevin T
Cukierman, Ari
D’Ewart, John M
D¨unner, Rolando
Haan, Tijmen de
Devlin, Mark
Dicker, Simon
Dober, Bradley
Duell, Cody J
Duff, Shannon
Duivenvoorden, Adri
Dunkley, Jo
Bouhargani, Hamza El
Errard, Josquin
Fabbian, Giulio
Feeney, Stephen
Fergusson, James
Ferraro, Simone
Flux`a, Pedro
Freese, Katherine
Frisch, Josef C
Frolov, Andrei
Fuller, George
Galitzki, Nicholas
Gallardo, Patricio A
Ghersi, Jose Tomas Galvez
Gao, Jiansong
Gawiser, Eric
Gerbino, Martina
Gluscevic, Vera
Goeckner-Wald, Neil
Golec, Joseph
Gordon, Sam
Gralla, Megan
Green, Daniel
Grigorian, Arpi
Groh, John
Groppi, Chris
Guan, Yilun
Gudmundsson, Jon E
Halpern, Mark
Han, Dongwon
Hargrave, Peter
Harrington, Kathleen
Hasegawa, Masaya
Hasselfield, Matthew
Hattori, Makoto
Haynes, Victor
Hazumi, Masashi
Healy, Erin
Henderson, Shawn W
Hensley, Brandon
Hervias-Caimapo, Carlos
Hill, Charles A
Hill, J. Colin
Hilton, Gene
Hilton, Matt
Hincks, Adam D
Hinshaw, Gary
Hlozek, Renee
Ho, Shirley
Ho, Shuay-Pwu Patty
Hoang, Thuong D
Hoh, Jonathan
Hotinli, Selim C
Huang, Zhiqi
Hubmayr, Johannes
Huffenberger, Kevin
Hughes, John P
Ijjas, Anna
Ikape, Margaret
Irwin, Kent
Jaffe, Andrew H
Jain, Bhuvnesh
Jeong, Oliver
Johnson, Matthew
Kaneko, Daisuke
Karpel, Ethan D
Katayama, Nobuhiko
Keating, Brian
Keskitalo, Reijo
Kisner, Theodore
Kiuchi, Kenji
Klein, Jeff
Knowles, Kenda
Kofman, Anna
Koopman, Brian
Kosowsky, Arthur
Krachmalnicoff, Nicoletta
Kusaka, Akito
LaPlante, Phil
Lashner, Jacob
Lee, Adrian
Lee, Eunseong
Lewis, Antony
Li, Yaqiong
Li, Zack
Limon, Michele
Linder, Eric
Liu, Jia
Lopez-Caraballo, Carlos
Louis, Thibaut
Lungu, Marius
Madhavacheril, Mathew
Mak, Daisy
Maldonado, Felipe
Mani, Hamdi
Mates, Ben
Matsuda, Frederick
Maurin, Loıc
Mauskopf, Phil
May, Andrew
McCallum, Nialh
McCarrick, Heather
McKenney, Chris
McMahon, Jeff
Meerburg, P. Daniel
Mertens, James
Meyers, Joel
Miller, Amber
Mirmelstein, Mark
Moodley, Kavilan
Moore, Jenna
Munchmeyer, Moritz
Munson, Charles
Murata, Masaaki
Naess, Sigurd
Namikawa, Toshiya
Nati, Federico
Navaroli, Martin
Newburgh, Laura
Nguyen, Ho Nam
Nicola, Andrina
Niemack, Mike
Nishino, Haruki
Nishinomiya, Yume
Orlowski-Scherer, John
Pagano, Luca
Partridge, Bruce
Perrotta, Francesca
Phakathi, Phumlani
Piccirillo, Lucio
Pierpaoli, Elena
Pisano, Giampaolo
Poletti, Davide
Puddu, Roberto
Puglisi, Giuseppe
Raum, Chris
Reichardt, Christian L
Remazeilles, Mathieu
Rephaeli, Yoel
Riechers, Dominik
Rojas, Felipe
Rotti, Aditya
Roy, Anirban
Sadeh, Sharon
Sakurai, Yuki
Salatino, Maria
Rao, Mayuri Sathyanarayana
Saunders, Lauren
Schaan, Emmanuel
Schmittfull, Marcel
Sehgal, Neelima
Seibert, Joseph
Seljak, Uros
Shellard, Paul
Sherwin, Blake
Shimon, Meir
Sierra, Carlos
Sievers, Jonathan
Sifon, Cristobal
Sikhosana, Precious
Silva-Feaver, Maximiliano
Simon, Sara M
Sinclair, Adrian
Smith, Kendrick
Sohn, Wuhyun
Sonka, Rita
Spergel, David
Spisak, Jacob
Staggs, Suzanne T
Stein, George
Stevens, Jason R
Stompor, Radek
Suzuki, Aritoki
Tajima, Osamu
Takakura, Satoru
Teply, Grant
Thomas, Daniel B
Thorne, Ben
Thornton, Robert
Trac, Hy
Treu, Jesse
Tsai, Calvin
Tucker, Carole
Ullom, Joel
Vagnozzi, Sunny
Engelen, Alexander van
Lanen, Jeff Van
Winkle, Daniel D. Van
Vavagiakis, Eve M
Verg`es, Clara
Vissers, Michael
Wagoner, Kasey
Walker, Samantha
Wang, Yuhan
Ward, Jon
Westbrook, Ben
Whitehorn, Nathan
Williams, Jason
Williams, Joel
Wollack, Edward
Xu, Zhilei
Yasini, Siavash
Young, Edward
Yu, Byeonghee
Yu, Cyndia
Zago, Fernando
Zannoni, Mario
Zhang, Hezi
Zheng, Kaiwen
Zhu, Ningfeng
Zonca, Andrea
Publication Year :
Publisher :
United States: NASA Center for Aerospace Information (CASI), 2019.


The Simons Observatory (SO) is a ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment sited on Cerro Toco in the Atacama Desert in Chile that promises to provide breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. Supported by the Simons Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and with contributions from collaborating institutions, SO will see first light in 2021 and start a five year survey in 2022. SO has 287 collaborators from 12 countries and 53 institutions, including 85 students and 90 postdocs. The SO experiment in its currently funded form (‘SO-Nominal’) consists of three 0.4 m Small Aperture Telescopes (SATs) and one 6 m Large Aperture Telescope (LAT). Optimized for minimizing systematic errors in polarization measurements at large angular scales, the SATs will perform a deep, degree-scale survey of 10% of the sky to search for the signature of primordial gravitational waves. The LAT will survey 40% of the sky with arc-minute resolution. These observations will measure (or limit) the sum of neutrino masses, search for light relics, measure the early behavior of Dark Energy, and refine our understanding of the intergalactic medium, clusters and the role of feedback in galaxy formation. With up to ten times the sensitivity and five times the angular resolution of the Planck satellite, and roughly an order of magnitude increase in mapping speed over currently operating (“Stage 3”) experiments, SO will measure the CMB temperature and polarization fluctuations to exquisite precision in six frequency bands from 27 to 280 GHz. SO will rapidly advance CMB science while informing the design of future observatories such as CMB-S4. Construction of SO-Nominal is fully funded, and operations and data analysis are funded for part of the planned five-year observations. We will seek federal funding to complete the observations and analysis of SO-Nominal, at the $25M level. The SO has a low risk and cost efficient upgrade path – the 6 m LAT can accommodate almost twice the baseline number of detectors and the SATs can be duplicated at low cost. We will seek funding at the $75M level for an expansion of the SO (‘SO-Enhanced’) that fills the remaining focal plane in the LAT, adds three SATs, and extends operations by five years, substantially improving our science return. By this time SO may be operating as part of the larger CMB-S4 project. This white paper summarizes and extends material presented in, which describes the science goals of SO-Nominal, and which describe the instrument design.


Subjects :


Language :
Database :
NASA Technical Reports
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Accession number :
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