Pushing fiber to user: reality check; fiber's battle for 'premises supremacy' will require a lot more than simply making the technology available. (Special Report: Premises Networks)
Pease, Robert. “Pushing Fiber to User: Reality Check; Fiber’s Battle for ‘Premises Supremacy’ Will Require a Lot More than Simply Making the Technology Available. (Special Report: Premises Networks).” Lightwave, vol. 20, no. 4, Apr. 2003, p. 27. EBSCOhost,
Pease, R. (2003, April 1). Pushing fiber to user: reality check; fiber’s battle for “premises supremacy” will require a lot more than simply making the technology available. (Special Report: Premises Networks). Lightwave, 20(4), 27.
Pease, Robert. 2003. “Pushing Fiber to User: Reality Check; Fiber’s Battle for ‘Premises Supremacy’ Will Require a Lot More than Simply Making the Technology Available. (Special Report: Premises Networks).” Lightwave, April 1.