Research on Toxicology Described by a Researcher at University of Belgrade (Integrated Biomarker Response of Oxidative Stress Parameters in the Digestive Glands and Gills of Autochthonous and Invasive Freshwater Mussels from the Sava River, ...)
“Research on Toxicology Described by a Researcher at University of Belgrade (Integrated Biomarker Response of Oxidative Stress Parameters in the Digestive Glands and Gills of Autochthonous and Invasive Freshwater Mussels from the Sava River, ...).” Life Science Weekly, 5 Nov. 2024, p. 5180. EBSCOhost,
Research on Toxicology Described by a Researcher at University of Belgrade (Integrated Biomarker Response of Oxidative Stress Parameters in the Digestive Glands and Gills of Autochthonous and Invasive Freshwater Mussels from the Sava River, ...). (2024, November 5). Life Science Weekly, 5180.
Life Science Weekly. 2024. “Research on Toxicology Described by a Researcher at University of Belgrade (Integrated Biomarker Response of Oxidative Stress Parameters in the Digestive Glands and Gills of Autochthonous and Invasive Freshwater Mussels from the Sava River, ...),” November 5.