Burglary victims wait five years for justice; The delays are the result of a backlog of crown court cases that has grown from 38,000 before Covid to a record 68,000
“Burglary Victims Wait Five Years for Justice; The Delays Are the Result of a Backlog of Crown Court Cases That Has Grown from 38,000 before Covid to a Record 68,000.” The Telegraph Online, 1 Nov. 2024. EBSCOhost,
Burglary victims wait five years for justice; The delays are the result of a backlog of crown court cases that has grown from 38,000 before Covid to a record 68,000. (2024, November 1). The Telegraph Online.
The Telegraph Online. 2024. “Burglary Victims Wait Five Years for Justice; The Delays Are the Result of a Backlog of Crown Court Cases That Has Grown from 38,000 before Covid to a Record 68,000,” November 1.