Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Researcher Adds New Data to Research in Obesity (Nurse-Involved Policy, Systems, and Environmental School-Based Interventions for Supporting Healthy Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Among Children and ...)
“Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Researcher Adds New Data to Research in Obesity (Nurse-Involved Policy, Systems, and Environmental School-Based Interventions for Supporting Healthy Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Among Children And ...).” Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, Nov. 2024, p. 2967. EBSCOhost,
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Researcher Adds New Data to Research in Obesity (Nurse-Involved Policy, Systems, and Environmental School-Based Interventions for Supporting Healthy Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Among Children and ...). (2024, November 2). Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 2967.
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. 2024. “Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Researcher Adds New Data to Research in Obesity (Nurse-Involved Policy, Systems, and Environmental School-Based Interventions for Supporting Healthy Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Among Children And ...),” November 2.