EU Contract Notice: MINARM|AIR|SIAe (Ministere des Armees) Issues contract notice|solicitation for 'Multi-technical maintenance of the installations of the Bordeaux aeronautics industrial workshop and its Croix d'Hins annex'
“EU Contract Notice: MINARM|AIR|SIAe (Ministere Des Armees) Issues Contract Notice|solicitation for ‘Multi-Technical Maintenance of the Installations of the Bordeaux Aeronautics Industrial Workshop and Its Croix d’Hins Annex.’” European Union News, 20 Sept. 2024. EBSCOhost,
EU Contract Notice: MINARM|AIR|SIAe (Ministere des Armees) Issues contract notice|solicitation for “Multi-technical maintenance of the installations of the Bordeaux aeronautics industrial workshop and its Croix d’Hins annex.” (2024, September 20). European Union News.
European Union News. 2024. “EU Contract Notice: MINARM|AIR|SIAe (Ministere Des Armees) Issues Contract Notice|solicitation for ‘Multi-Technical Maintenance of the Installations of the Bordeaux Aeronautics Industrial Workshop and Its Croix d’Hins Annex,’” September 20.