Heart of stone: despite our cold climate, the Twin Cities have a warm look other places lack. Chalk it up to Kasota stone
Brady, Tim. “Heart of Stone: Despite Our Cold Climate, the Twin Cities Have a Warm Look Other Places Lack. Chalk It up to Kasota Stone.” MPLS-St. Paul Magazine, vol. v17, no. n10, Oct. 1989, p. 84. EBSCOhost,
Brady, T. (1989, October 1). Heart of stone: despite our cold climate, the Twin Cities have a warm look other places lack. Chalk it up to Kasota stone. MPLS-St. Paul Magazine, v17(n10), 84.
Brady, Tim. 1989. “Heart of Stone: Despite Our Cold Climate, the Twin Cities Have a Warm Look Other Places Lack. Chalk It up to Kasota Stone.” MPLS-St. Paul Magazine, October 1.