Recent Findings in Parkinson's Disease Described by Researchers from University of Cincinnati [Safety and Efficacy of Continuous Subcutaneous Levodopa-carbidopa Infusion (Nd0612) for Parkinson's Disease With Motor Fluctuations (Boundless): a ...]
“Recent Findings in Parkinson’s Disease Described by Researchers from University of Cincinnati [Safety and Efficacy of Continuous Subcutaneous Levodopa-Carbidopa Infusion (Nd0612) for Parkinson’s Disease With Motor Fluctuations (Boundless): A ...].” Health & Medicine Week, 21 June 2024, p. 4526. EBSCOhost,
Recent Findings in Parkinson’s Disease Described by Researchers from University of Cincinnati [Safety and Efficacy of Continuous Subcutaneous Levodopa-carbidopa Infusion (Nd0612) for Parkinson’s Disease With Motor Fluctuations (Boundless): a ...]. (2024, June 21). Health & Medicine Week, 4526.
Health & Medicine Week. 2024. “Recent Findings in Parkinson’s Disease Described by Researchers from University of Cincinnati [Safety and Efficacy of Continuous Subcutaneous Levodopa-Carbidopa Infusion (Nd0612) for Parkinson’s Disease With Motor Fluctuations (Boundless): A ...],” June 21.