University of Ottawa Researchers Provide New Insights into Breast Cancer (Non-visualization of axillary pathological lymph nodes in breast cancer patients on SPECT/CT and during operation)
“University of Ottawa Researchers Provide New Insights into Breast Cancer (Non-Visualization of Axillary Pathological Lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer Patients on SPECT/CT and during Operation).” Women’s Health Weekly, Apr. 2024, p. 7947. EBSCOhost,
University of Ottawa Researchers Provide New Insights into Breast Cancer (Non-visualization of axillary pathological lymph nodes in breast cancer patients on SPECT/CT and during operation). (2024, April 18). Women’s Health Weekly, 7947.
Women’s Health Weekly. 2024. “University of Ottawa Researchers Provide New Insights into Breast Cancer (Non-Visualization of Axillary Pathological Lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer Patients on SPECT/CT and during Operation),” April 18.