Data from Colorado School of Mines Advance Knowledge in Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Metal-oxide precipitation influences microbiome structure in hyporheic zones receiving acid rock drainage)
“Data from Colorado School of Mines Advance Knowledge in Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Metal-Oxide Precipitation Influences Microbiome Structure in Hyporheic Zones Receiving Acid Rock Drainage).” Life Science Weekly, 12 Mar. 2024, p. 991. EBSCOhost,
Data from Colorado School of Mines Advance Knowledge in Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Metal-oxide precipitation influences microbiome structure in hyporheic zones receiving acid rock drainage). (2024, March 12). Life Science Weekly, 991.
Life Science Weekly. 2024. “Data from Colorado School of Mines Advance Knowledge in Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Metal-Oxide Precipitation Influences Microbiome Structure in Hyporheic Zones Receiving Acid Rock Drainage),” March 12.