Man thought 'what the hell' when he spotted something out of aeroplane window; David Parker was flying to Goa from Manchester Airport when he spotted something
“Man Thought ‘What the Hell’ When He Spotted Something out of Aeroplane Window; David Parker Was Flying to Goa from Manchester Airport When He Spotted Something.” Crosby Herald (Liverpool, England), 7 Feb. 2024. EBSCOhost,
Man thought “what the hell” when he spotted something out of aeroplane window; David Parker was flying to Goa from Manchester Airport when he spotted something. (2024, February 7). Crosby Herald (Liverpool, England).
Crosby Herald (Liverpool, England). 2024. “Man Thought ‘What the Hell’ When He Spotted Something out of Aeroplane Window; David Parker Was Flying to Goa from Manchester Airport When He Spotted Something,” February 7.