Research Reports from Hebei University Provide New Insights into Molecular Science (Principal Component Analysis to Assess the Changes of Yield and Quality in * * Pinellia ternata* * at Different Stages after Brassinolide Treatments)
“Research Reports from Hebei University Provide New Insights into Molecular Science (Principal Component Analysis to Assess the Changes of Yield and Quality in * * Pinellia Ternata* * at Different Stages after Brassinolide Treatments).” Science Letter, 30 Dec. 2022, p. 809. EBSCOhost,
Research Reports from Hebei University Provide New Insights into Molecular Science (Principal Component Analysis to Assess the Changes of Yield and Quality in * * Pinellia ternata* * at Different Stages after Brassinolide Treatments). (2022, December 30). Science Letter, 809.
Science Letter. 2022. “Research Reports from Hebei University Provide New Insights into Molecular Science (Principal Component Analysis to Assess the Changes of Yield and Quality in * * Pinellia Ternata* * at Different Stages after Brassinolide Treatments),” December 30.