Recent Findings from Canterbury Christ Church University Highlight Research in Psoriatic Arthritis (Psoriatic arthritis treatment to the target: a consensus, evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for the management of psoriatic ...)
“Recent Findings from Canterbury Christ Church University Highlight Research in Psoriatic Arthritis (Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment to the Target: A Consensus, Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Recommendations for the Management of Psoriatic ...).” Health & Medicine Week, 1 July 2022, p. 4130. EBSCOhost,
Recent Findings from Canterbury Christ Church University Highlight Research in Psoriatic Arthritis (Psoriatic arthritis treatment to the target: a consensus, evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for the management of psoriatic ...). (2022, July 1). Health & Medicine Week, 4130.
Health & Medicine Week. 2022. “Recent Findings from Canterbury Christ Church University Highlight Research in Psoriatic Arthritis (Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment to the Target: A Consensus, Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Recommendations for the Management of Psoriatic ...),” July 1.