Research Reports on Earth Sciences from Changchun Institute of Technology Provide New Insights (Geographical Distribution and Driving Meteorological Forces of Facial Expressions of Visitors in Urban Wetland Parks in Eastern China)
“Research Reports on Earth Sciences from Changchun Institute of Technology Provide New Insights (Geographical Distribution and Driving Meteorological Forces of Facial Expressions of Visitors in Urban Wetland Parks in Eastern China).” Science Letter, 13 May 2022, p. 750. EBSCOhost,
Research Reports on Earth Sciences from Changchun Institute of Technology Provide New Insights (Geographical Distribution and Driving Meteorological Forces of Facial Expressions of Visitors in Urban Wetland Parks in Eastern China). (2022, May 13). Science Letter, 750.
Science Letter. 2022. “Research Reports on Earth Sciences from Changchun Institute of Technology Provide New Insights (Geographical Distribution and Driving Meteorological Forces of Facial Expressions of Visitors in Urban Wetland Parks in Eastern China),” May 13.