New Opioids Findings from Johns Hopkins University Outlined (Trends In the Utilization and Dose of Gabapentinoids In Combination With Opioids In an Injured Worker Population Between 2008 and 2018)
“New Opioids Findings from Johns Hopkins University Outlined (Trends In the Utilization and Dose of Gabapentinoids In Combination With Opioids In an Injured Worker Population Between 2008 and 2018).” Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, Nov. 2021, p. 2578. EBSCOhost,
New Opioids Findings from Johns Hopkins University Outlined (Trends In the Utilization and Dose of Gabapentinoids In Combination With Opioids In an Injured Worker Population Between 2008 and 2018). (2021, November 20). Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 2578.
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. 2021. “New Opioids Findings from Johns Hopkins University Outlined (Trends In the Utilization and Dose of Gabapentinoids In Combination With Opioids In an Injured Worker Population Between 2008 and 2018),” November 20.