University of Maragheh Researcher Releases New Study Findings on Breast Cancer (The effectiveness of Tai Chi exercises on the mental health of women with breast cancer)
“University of Maragheh Researcher Releases New Study Findings on Breast Cancer (The Effectiveness of Tai Chi Exercises on the Mental Health of Women with Breast Cancer).” Women’s Health Weekly, Sept. 2020, p. 719. EBSCOhost,
University of Maragheh Researcher Releases New Study Findings on Breast Cancer (The effectiveness of Tai Chi exercises on the mental health of women with breast cancer). (2020, September 3). Women’s Health Weekly, 719.
Women’s Health Weekly. 2020. “University of Maragheh Researcher Releases New Study Findings on Breast Cancer (The Effectiveness of Tai Chi Exercises on the Mental Health of Women with Breast Cancer),” September 3.