'People Are Going to Have Bigger Needs Now': Cheryl Saban supports an emergency relief fund via her family's namesake clinic as a fourth facility opens amid increases in virus cases among L.A.'s most vulnerable
Siegel, Tatiana. “‘People Are Going to Have Bigger Needs Now’: Cheryl Saban Supports an Emergency Relief Fund via Her Family’s Namesake Clinic as a Fourth Facility Opens amid Increases in Virus Cases among L.A.’s Most Vulnerable.” Hollywood Reporter, vol. 426, no. 11, Apr. 2020, p. 16. EBSCOhost,
Siegel, T. (2020, April 8). “People Are Going to Have Bigger Needs Now”: Cheryl Saban supports an emergency relief fund via her family’s namesake clinic as a fourth facility opens amid increases in virus cases among L.A.’s most vulnerable. Hollywood Reporter, 426(11), 16.
Siegel, Tatiana. 2020. “‘People Are Going to Have Bigger Needs Now’: Cheryl Saban Supports an Emergency Relief Fund via Her Family’s Namesake Clinic as a Fourth Facility Opens amid Increases in Virus Cases among L.A.’s Most Vulnerable.” Hollywood Reporter, April 8.