Universal's Scrapped The Hunt: Death Threats, Negative Test Screenings: A politically charged satire denounced by Trump and the right sparked menacing emails as its violent marketing ran squarely into horrific news of a trio of mass shootings
Siegel, Tatiana. “Universal’s Scrapped The Hunt: Death Threats, Negative Test Screenings: A Politically Charged Satire Denounced by Trump and the Right Sparked Menacing Emails as Its Violent Marketing Ran Squarely into Horrific News of a Trio of Mass Shootings.” Hollywood Reporter, vol. 425, no. 27, Aug. 2019, p. 12. EBSCOhost,
Siegel, T. (2019, August 14). Universal’s Scrapped The Hunt: Death Threats, Negative Test Screenings: A politically charged satire denounced by Trump and the right sparked menacing emails as its violent marketing ran squarely into horrific news of a trio of mass shootings. Hollywood Reporter, 425(27), 12.
Siegel, Tatiana. 2019. “Universal’s Scrapped The Hunt: Death Threats, Negative Test Screenings: A Politically Charged Satire Denounced by Trump and the Right Sparked Menacing Emails as Its Violent Marketing Ran Squarely into Horrific News of a Trio of Mass Shootings.” Hollywood Reporter, August 14.