Recent Research from University of Winnipeg Highlight Findings in Chemical Education (Writing as a Mode of Learning: Staged Approaches to Chromatography and Writing in the Undergraduate Organic Lab)
“Recent Research from University of Winnipeg Highlight Findings in Chemical Education (Writing as a Mode of Learning: Staged Approaches to Chromatography and Writing in the Undergraduate Organic Lab).” Education Letter, 28 Aug. 2019, p. 220. EBSCOhost,
Recent Research from University of Winnipeg Highlight Findings in Chemical Education (Writing as a Mode of Learning: Staged Approaches to Chromatography and Writing in the Undergraduate Organic Lab). (2019, August 28). Education Letter, 220.
Education Letter. 2019. “Recent Research from University of Winnipeg Highlight Findings in Chemical Education (Writing as a Mode of Learning: Staged Approaches to Chromatography and Writing in the Undergraduate Organic Lab),” August 28.