'We're like a five-star hotel': Central Working's Grant Powell tells Simon Creasey why traditional offices are dead and how it is looking to the hospitality sector to inspire the flexible space of the future
Creasey, Simon. “‘We’Re like a Five-Star Hotel’: Central Working’s Grant Powell Tells Simon Creasey Why Traditional Offices Are Dead and How It Is Looking to the Hospitality Sector to Inspire the Flexible Space of the Future.” Property Week, vol. 86, no. 25, June 2019, p. 36. EBSCOhost,
Creasey, S. (2019, June 28). “We’re like a five-star hotel”: Central Working’s Grant Powell tells Simon Creasey why traditional offices are dead and how it is looking to the hospitality sector to inspire the flexible space of the future. Property Week, 86(25), 36.
Creasey, Simon. 2019. “‘We’Re like a Five-Star Hotel’: Central Working’s Grant Powell Tells Simon Creasey Why Traditional Offices Are Dead and How It Is Looking to the Hospitality Sector to Inspire the Flexible Space of the Future.” Property Week, June 28.