Lord Fair of London; Victor Adebowale wants to know what you think about everything from housing to mental health. He tells Rosamund Urwin why fairness is everyone's business
“Lord Fair of London; Victor Adebowale Wants to Know What You Think about Everything from Housing to Mental Health. He Tells Rosamund Urwin Why Fairness Is Everyone’s Business.” The London Evening Standard (London, England), 3 Aug. 2015, p. 28. EBSCOhost,
Lord Fair of London; Victor Adebowale wants to know what you think about everything from housing to mental health. He tells Rosamund Urwin why fairness is everyone’s business. (2015, August 3). The London Evening Standard (London, England), 28.
The London Evening Standard (London, England). 2015. “Lord Fair of London; Victor Adebowale Wants to Know What You Think about Everything from Housing to Mental Health. He Tells Rosamund Urwin Why Fairness Is Everyone’s Business,” August 3.