Oil's decline slows Exxon, Chevron profit growth: strong balance sheets have oil giants eager to pursue new production initiatives despite deep recession
Gold, Russell, and Ben Casselman. “Oil’s Decline Slows Exxon, Chevron Profit Growth: Strong Balance Sheets Have Oil Giants Eager to Pursue New Production Initiatives despite Deep Recession.” Wall Street Journal. Europe, 2 Feb. 2009, p. A7. EBSCOhost,
Gold, R., & Casselman, B. (2009, February 2). Oil’s decline slows Exxon, Chevron profit growth: strong balance sheets have oil giants eager to pursue new production initiatives despite deep recession. Wall Street Journal. Europe, A7.
Gold, Russell, and Ben Casselman. 2009. “Oil’s Decline Slows Exxon, Chevron Profit Growth: Strong Balance Sheets Have Oil Giants Eager to Pursue New Production Initiatives despite Deep Recession.” Wall Street Journal. Europe, February 2.