Situation critical but not hopeless: when your product is critical to a customer's performance, meeting the agreed-upon level of service is a priority. Technology and partners can lighten the task. (sourcing)
Richardson, Helen L. “Situation Critical but Not Hopeless: When Your Product Is Critical to a Customer’s Performance, Meeting the Agreed-upon Level of Service Is a Priority. Technology and Partners Can Lighten the Task. (Sourcing).” Transportation & Distribution, vol. 44, no. 6, June 2003, p. 25. EBSCOhost,
Richardson, H. L. (2003, June 1). Situation critical but not hopeless: when your product is critical to a customer’s performance, meeting the agreed-upon level of service is a priority. Technology and partners can lighten the task. (sourcing). Transportation & Distribution, 44(6), 25.
Richardson, Helen L. 2003. “Situation Critical but Not Hopeless: When Your Product Is Critical to a Customer’s Performance, Meeting the Agreed-upon Level of Service Is a Priority. Technology and Partners Can Lighten the Task. (Sourcing).” Transportation & Distribution, June 1.