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Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma, 112, 2011

Authors :
Various Authors
Various Authors
Publication Year :


Moles Martis, il turpe sepulcrum di Tarpea e la Luna dell'Arx di Francesco Marcattili (con un'appendice di Paola Paolucci), pp. 7-34 Through a re-examination of several literary sources and the iconographic documentation available, the paper aims to propose a reinterpretation of the legend of Tarpeia - a figure linked to the origins of Rome - and to explain her ties with the Mars of the Capitolium, Moles Martis and the Moon of Arx. In the tale of the traitor of the Capitoline hill and in her rehabilitation for propaganda purposes, traces of ancient ritual practices have been identified, connected with the reditus of the army and the recovery/reutilization of enemy weapons. Like the tomb of Titus Tatius on the Aventine hill, also the tomb of Tarpeia speaks of death and expiation. However, if on the Aventine there were laurels to guarantee the purification of soldiers by means of the blood of their dead enemies, on the Capitoline Arx the essential ingredient of the ritual seems to have been the violent hurling and the accumulation of weapons, especially shields. Nuove ipotesi per una rilettura del settore meridionale del Foro di Augusto di Elisabetta Carnabuci, Laura Braccalenti, pp. 35-66. Archaeological investigations, directed by the Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali di Roma Capitale in the years 1998-2000 and 2004-2007, brought to light a large portion of a third hemicycle of the Forum of Augustus. This structure, located alongside the north-western porch and to the south of the already known hemicycle, was almost totally destroyed by the construction of the colonnaded courtyard of the Forum of Trajan. In this paper is proposed a new reconstructive hypothesis for the southern part of the Forum and for the width of the new hemicycle. New investigations show that the structure is bigger than argued at the time of the discovery, and, because of this, it is impossible to imagine that a porch stood on the southern side of the of the Forum of Augustus. Nuovi frammenti di piante marmoree dagli scavi dell'aula di culto del Templum Pacis di Ersilia D'Ambrosio, Roberto Meneghini, Rossella Rea 67-76. In 2006, an excavation carried out by the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma in the chamber of the Templum Pacis brought to light four new fragments of marble maps. These fragments are not part of the severan Forma Urbis, but scraps of a stone workshop working in the area at least since the reconstruction of its buildings after the fire of the 192 AD. This workshop made probably marble-copies of pieces of the cadastral relief of Rome, which were used as official administrative acts. The finds described in the followed paper can be identified as documents of this kind. Gli impianti di scale del Foro di Traiano di Elisabetta Bianchi, Roberto Meneghini (con appendici di Marie D. Jackson, Antonella Lumacone, Roberto Serafini, Gianluca Primi), pp. 77-118. The recent archaeological excavations (1998-2000) have brought to light a large portion of the Forum of Trajan that allowed for a detailed reconstructive plan of the complex. This study analyses the remains of the stairways system confirming the already assumed multistoried structure of the complex in several areas. A set of staircases inside the Basilica Ulpia (A-A1/B-B1) has been re-analyzed together with two large staircases, built on supporting arches close to the Libraries. These staircases led the way up from the outside to the upper level of the courtyard of the Trajan's Column and from there to the matronea of the Basilica (C-C1). Furthermore, the presence of a pair of stairs has been ascertained. These led to the upper floor from the southern wall of the square (D-D1). Finally, four spiral staircases have been identified as serving maintenance purposes for the complex's wooden roofing system, these were placed in pairs at the ends of the two hemicycles of the porticoed square (E-E1/F-F1). Una testa giovanile dal Foro di Traiano: cop


Language :
9788882656669 and 9788891314550
Volume :
Database :
eBook Index
Journal :
Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma, 112, 2011
Publication Type :
Accession number :