IL-15 Superagonist Expands mCD8+ T, NK and NKT Cells after Burn Injury but Fails to Improve Outcome during Burn Wound Infection.
Naeem K Patil, et al. “IL-15 Superagonist Expands MCD8+ T, NK and NKT Cells after Burn Injury but Fails to Improve Outcome during Burn Wound Infection.” PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 2, Jan. 2016, p. e0148452. EBSCOhost,
Naeem K Patil, Liming Luan, Julia K Bohannon, Yin Guo, Antonio Hernandez, Benjamin Fensterheim, & Edward R Sherwood. (2016). IL-15 Superagonist Expands mCD8+ T, NK and NKT Cells after Burn Injury but Fails to Improve Outcome during Burn Wound Infection. PLoS ONE, 11(2), e0148452.
Naeem K Patil, Liming Luan, Julia K Bohannon, Yin Guo, Antonio Hernandez, Benjamin Fensterheim, and Edward R Sherwood. 2016. “IL-15 Superagonist Expands MCD8+ T, NK and NKT Cells after Burn Injury but Fails to Improve Outcome during Burn Wound Infection.” PLoS ONE 11 (2): e0148452. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148452.