Dynamics of spike-and nucleocapsid specific immunity during long-term follow-up and vaccination of SARS-CoV-2 convalescents
Nina Koerber, et al. “Dynamics of Spike-and Nucleocapsid Specific Immunity during Long-Term Follow-up and Vaccination of SARS-CoV-2 Convalescents.” Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 1–14. EBSCOhost,
Nina Koerber, Alina Priller, Sarah Yazici, Tanja Bauer, Cho-Chin Cheng, Hrvoje Mijočević, Hannah Wintersteller, Samuel Jeske, Emanuel Vogel, Martin Feuerherd, Kathrin Tinnefeld, Christof Winter, Jürgen Ruland, Markus Gerhard, Bernhard Haller, Catharina Christa, Otto Zelger, Hedwig Roggendorf, Martin Halle, … Percy A. Knolle. (2022). Dynamics of spike-and nucleocapsid specific immunity during long-term follow-up and vaccination of SARS-CoV-2 convalescents. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1–14.
Nina Koerber, Alina Priller, Sarah Yazici, Tanja Bauer, Cho-Chin Cheng, Hrvoje Mijočević, Hannah Wintersteller, et al. 2022. “Dynamics of Spike-and Nucleocapsid Specific Immunity during Long-Term Follow-up and Vaccination of SARS-CoV-2 Convalescents.” Nature Communications 13 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27649-y.