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Effects of red wine on cardiovascular diseases

Authors :
Jan Ramian
Piotr Bator
Michał Razik
Patrycja Rozwadowska
Jakub Rybak
Barbara Magiera
Karol Magiera
Wiktor Razik
Source :
Journal of Education, Health and Sport, Vol 61 (2024)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Kazimierz Wielki University, 2024.


Introduction and purpose: The purpose of this scientific paper is to review the current knowledge of the effects of red wine on human health, particularly with regard to cardiovascular disease. State of Knowledge: Since the 1990s, red wine has gained its status as a health-promoting alcohol through the French Paradox - when drunk in moderate amounts, it protects against cardiovascular disease. The authors have collected scientific papers on the health effects of alcohol, red wine and resveratrol-a polyphenol that is the main component with health-promoting effects of wine. On their basis, they analyzed the assumptions of the positive effects of wine reaching inconclusive conclusions. Summary: Despite the fact that both ethanol and resveratrol have a positive effect in in vitro studies, in population studies their effect is much less significant, either because the negative behavioral-health effects in the case of ethanol are omitted or the actual effective doses of resveratrol are omitted.


Language :
English, Spanish; Castilian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Volume :
Database :
Directory of Open Access Journals
Journal :
Journal of Education, Health and Sport
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :
Document Type :
Full Text :