Scaling behavior of the Raman intensity and heterogeneous elasticity during the chemical vitrification of an epoxy resin
Silvia Corezzi, and Lucia Comez. “Scaling Behavior of the Raman Intensity and Heterogeneous Elasticity during the Chemical Vitrification of an Epoxy Resin.” Atti Della Accademia Peloritana Dei Pericolanti : Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, vol. 98, no. S1, Oct. 2020, p. A7. EBSCOhost,
Silvia Corezzi, & Lucia Comez. (2020). Scaling behavior of the Raman intensity and heterogeneous elasticity during the chemical vitrification of an epoxy resin. Atti Della Accademia Peloritana Dei Pericolanti : Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 98(S1), A7.
Silvia Corezzi, and Lucia Comez. 2020. “Scaling Behavior of the Raman Intensity and Heterogeneous Elasticity during the Chemical Vitrification of an Epoxy Resin.” Atti Della Accademia Peloritana Dei Pericolanti : Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 98 (S1): A7. doi:10.1478/AAPP.98S1A7.