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Dichotomy of Nature and Humanity in the Narrative Imagination of Ibrahim Al-Kon

Authors :
Source :
Akofena, Vol 01, Iss 012 (2024)
Publication Year :
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Abstract: Ibrahim Al-Koni is celebrated for his vivid depiction of the desert and its diverse inhabitants—humans, animals, and even flora—within a unified and innovative narrative framework. His literary works reveal the mysterious world of the Tuareg, delving into their psychological landscape and life philosophy, and examining a mindset nearly erased from our collective human consciousness. Al-Koni skillfully interlaces factual accounts with mythological elements, offering a reflection on human nature that is both deep and universally applicable. Al-Koni’s narratives, with their distinct focus on the desert and its fundamental life rituals, brilliantly expand these themes to address broader aspects of human culture, prompting critical questions about humanity’s relationship with the cosmos and nature. His creations provide a window into a critical segment of history and a cultural memory on the verge of fading. In Al-Koni's portrayal, desert inhabitants resist a sedentary existence, confronting the desert's inhospitable forces—a stark contrast to life—in pursuit of a freedom that resonates with their existential beliefs. The desert, with its severe austerity, exposes the essence of entities and tests the human soul against fate. This clash with the harsh desert landscape forces a profound reevaluation of existence from a uniquely different perspective. This paper seeks to clarify this perspective on life and existence as experienced by desert inhabitants, especially emphasizing the pivotal role of animals. These creatures exceed their functional roles, becoming companions and sources of inspiration. This analysis, centered on Al-Koni’s "The Bleeding of the Stone" and "Gold Dust," explores the depth of his engagement with and reverence for desert life despite its brutality. It investigates: How does Al-Koni depict the extraordinary symbiosis between humans and animals, particularly through the dappled Mahri camel and the Barbary sheep? Furthermore, how does he utilize the element of the sublime in his narratives, drawing from mythological constructs to shape the narrative structure? Keywords: Novel, Desert, Myths, Traditions, Human


Subjects :
Language and Literature


Language :
German, English, Spanish; Castilian, French
27066312 and 27080633
Volume :
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Database :
Directory of Open Access Journals
Journal :
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :
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