Examination And Detecting Discontinuities In The Austenite Inconel 625 Layer Used On The Sheet Pile Walls Of The Boiler’s Evaporator To Utilize Waste Thermally
Słania J., et al. “Examination And Detecting Discontinuities In The Austenite Inconel 625 Layer Used On The Sheet Pile Walls Of The Boiler’s Evaporator To Utilize Waste Thermally.” Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 60, no. 3, Sept. 2015, pp. 1703–10. EBSCOhost,
Słania J., Krawczyk R., & Wójcik SZ. (2015). Examination And Detecting Discontinuities In The Austenite Inconel 625 Layer Used On The Sheet Pile Walls Of The Boiler’s Evaporator To Utilize Waste Thermally. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 60(3), 1703–1710.
Słania J., Krawczyk R., and Wójcik SZ. 2015. “Examination And Detecting Discontinuities In The Austenite Inconel 625 Layer Used On The Sheet Pile Walls Of The Boiler’s Evaporator To Utilize Waste Thermally.” Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 60 (3): 1703–10. doi:10.1515/amm-2015-0294.