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The current status and development trend of post-disaster rescue life detectors

Authors :
ZHENG Xuezhao
YANG Zhuorui
CAI Guobin
WANG Baoyuan
KOU Zhizhe
XIAO Yongfu
ZHANG Xiaojun
Source :
Gong-kuang zidonghua, Vol 49, Iss 6, Pp 104-111 (2023)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Editorial Department of Industry and Mine Automation, 2023.


As a device for timely rescue after disasters, life detectors play an irreplaceable role in locating, exploring, and searching for living organisms. This paper analyzes the working principles, technical features, usage scenarios, advantages and disadvantages of the currently used life detectors. The detectors include radar life detectors, audio life detectors, infrared life detectors, and other types of life detectors. Combined with practical applications, this paper points out the problems of the above life detectors. ① The detection technology is single and the comprehensive integration is low. ② The detection methods are traditional and equipment intelligence is insufficient. ③ The parts of the detector are not standardized, making equipment maintenance difficult. ④ Some life detectors have a relatively large structure and are inconvenient to carry, which affects rescue efficiency. In response to the existing shortcomings and problems, the development trends of life detectors are proposed. ① It is suggested to improve the integration level of life detectors. It is suggested to design life detection devices that use multi-source fusion to collect information, and use multiple information sources to obtain and detect life information. ② It is suggested to improve the intelligence level of life detectors, give them partial autonomy in decision-making, and reduce errors in life detection caused by improper operation by operators. ③ It is suggested to design modular life detectors and develop relevant standard procedures to standardize the components of the same type of life detector. It will reduce the difficulty of repair and maintenance of life detectors. ④ It is suggested to improve the circuit board design precision of the life detector, fully utilize spatial structure, reduce volume and improve portability without reducing the functionality of the life detector.


Language :
1671251X and 1671251x
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Directory of Open Access Journals
Journal :
Gong-kuang zidonghua
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :
Document Type :
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