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Covid-19 Vaccination during the Pandemic: The Role of the Kendal Health Service in Fulfilling the Public's Right to Health

Authors :
Stephanus Benny Kuswara
Endang Wahyati Yustina
Suwandi Sawadi
Source :
Soepra: Jurnal Hukum Kesehatan, Vol 9, Iss 2, Pp 261-276 (2023)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Soegijapranata Catholic University, 2023.


The COVID-19 vaccination policy was issued by the Indonesian Government to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The Kendal District Health Service as an implementing element of government affairs plays a role in implementing the COVID-19 vaccination as an effort to fulfil the right to health of the people of Kendal. Several obstacles in implementing vaccination mean that vaccination coverage is not optimal and tends to decrease. This research aims to find out about the arrangements and implementation, as well as the factors that influence the implementation of the role of the Kendal District Health Service in implementing the COVID-19 vaccination. This research uses a sociological juridical approach with analytical descriptive specifications. Primary data through observation and interviews, and secondary data through literature study. The sample was selected using a purposive sampling method and research data was analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results of this research show that there are many adequate regulations regarding the implementation of the role of the Kendal District Health Service in implementing the COVID-19 vaccination. Implementation of the role of the Health Service is imperative because implementing vaccination is the responsibility and obligation of the Health Service, namely carrying out needs planning, targeting health facilities, providing vaccines and other logistics, implementing COVID-19 vaccination services, recording and reporting, implementing communication strategies, monitoring and overcoming AEFI. Covid-19, as well as monitoring and evaluation. The implementation role of the Health Service in implementing the COVID-19 vaccination has been running smoothly but is not yet optimal, which is influenced by juridical factors, the enforcement of administrative sanctions has not yet been implemented and the latest circular letter for booster II vaccine for the general public is limited to an appeal. Sociological factors include positive public perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine that will support vaccination, while negative perceptions hinder vaccination. Regarding technical factors, the vaccine's lifespan is short, vaccines from the Province do not match the proposed needs of the District, the vaccine cold chain is not always maintained, the vaccine Usage Index (IP) does not always match the target number, and there is a lack of intensive communication strategies with risk communication. Abstrak: Kebijakan vaksinasi Covid-19 dikeluarkan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk menanggulangi Pandemi Covid-19. Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kendal sebagai unsur pelaksana urusan pemerintahan berperan dalam pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19 sebagai upaya pemenuhan hak atas kesehatan masyarakat Kendal. Beberapa kendala dalam pelaksanaan vaksinasi membuat cakupan vaksinasi tidak maksimal dan cenderung turun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui mengenai pengaturan dan pelaksanaan, serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan peran Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kendal dalam pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis dengan spesifikasi deskriptif analitis. Data primer melalui observasi dan wawancara, serta data sekunder melalui studi pustaka. Sampel dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling dan data penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada banyak peraturan yang memadai terkait pengaturan pelaksanaan peran Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kendal dalam pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19. Pelaksanaan peran Dinas Kesehatan bersifat imperatif karena pelaksanaan vaksinasi merupakan tanggung jawab dan kewajiban Dinas Kesehatan yaitu melakukan perencanaan kebutuhan, penetapan sasaran fasyankes, penyediaan vaksin dan logistik lainnya, pelaksanaan pelayanan vaksinasi Covid-19, pencatatan dan pelaporan, melaksanakan strategi komunikasi, pemantauan dan penanggulangan KIPI Covid-19, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Pelaksanaan peran Dinas Kesehatan dalam pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19 sudah berjalan lancar tetapi belum optimal yang dipengaruhi faktor yuridis yaitu penegakan sanksi administrasi belum berjalan dan surat edaran terbaru vaksin booster II untuk masyarakat umum sebatas himbauan. Faktor sosiologis antara lain persepsi positif masyarakat pada vaksin Covid-19 akan mendukung vaksinasi, sedangkan persepsi negatif menghambat vaksinasi. Pada faktor teknis, umur vaksin pendek, vaksin dari Provinsi tidak sesuai dengan usulan kebutuhan dari Kabupaten, rantai dingin vaksin tidak selalu terjaga, Indeks Pemakaian (IP) vaksin tidak selalu sesuai dengan jumlah sasaran, dan kurang gencarnya strategi komunikasi dengan komunikasi risiko.


Language :
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Database :
Directory of Open Access Journals
Journal :
Soepra: Jurnal Hukum Kesehatan
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
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