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Definition of Optimal Structure of Power Network

Authors :
Kimstach O.Yu.
Source :
Problems of the Regional Energetics, Vol 39, Iss 1, Pp 22-33 (2019)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2019.


The purpose of the paper is to form a method for finding the optimal structure of the power network. For the basic criteria of the required method the maximum simplicity, versatility and objec-tivity are assumed. The properties of existing power grids of various countries and the methods of their analysis and design were analyzed. The research is based on the method of relative comparative assessments. In the paper a set of particular optimization criteria was substantiated, which objectively characterize the power network. These criteria include a complex assessment of the length, an energy assessment, a wires mass assessment and a reliability assessment. A complex length assessment con-sists of total length assessment of power lines and assessment of total lengths ratio of power lines to conventionally low and high voltages. The overall reliability coefficient of the power supply was pro-posed to use as a reliability criterion. This factor conventionally represents the level of duplication of power supply in terms of free power and transmission capacity of the power lines. The algorithm for determining the values of partial criteria was considered. The partial optimization criteria were com-bined using the complex additive criterion. The example of finding the optimal structure of a local dis-tribution power network was given. As variants for the structures of the power network, the schemes of a looped, a trunk passage, a trunk-radial and a trunk with branch were used. In accordance with the method of relative comparative assessments, it was found, that the looped type is optimal.


Language :
English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan, Russian
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Directory of Open Access Journals
Journal :
Problems of the Regional Energetics
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :
Document Type :
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