Correction: Combined Analyses of the ITS Loci and the Corresponding 16S rRNA Genes Reveal High Micro- and Macrodiversity of SAR11 Populations in the Red Sea.
David Kamanda Ngugi, and Ulrich Stingl. “Correction: Combined Analyses of the ITS Loci and the Corresponding 16S RRNA Genes Reveal High Micro- and Macrodiversity of SAR11 Populations in the Red Sea.” PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 6, Jan. 2013. EBSCOhost,
David Kamanda Ngugi, & Ulrich Stingl. (2013). Correction: Combined Analyses of the ITS Loci and the Corresponding 16S rRNA Genes Reveal High Micro- and Macrodiversity of SAR11 Populations in the Red Sea. PLoS ONE, 8(6).
David Kamanda Ngugi, and Ulrich Stingl. 2013. “Correction: Combined Analyses of the ITS Loci and the Corresponding 16S RRNA Genes Reveal High Micro- and Macrodiversity of SAR11 Populations in the Red Sea.” PLoS ONE 8 (6). doi:10.1371/annotation/99cbcee6-fcc9-441b-a350-7073b3e0361e.