Communication Times Reconstruction in a Telecontrolled Client–Server Scheme: An Approach by Kalman Filter Applied to a Proprietary Real-Time Operating System and TCP/IP Protocol
Jorge Salvador Valdez-Martínez, et al. “Communication Times Reconstruction in a Telecontrolled Client–Server Scheme: An Approach by Kalman Filter Applied to a Proprietary Real-Time Operating System and TCP/IP Protocol.” Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 20, Oct. 2022, p. 3885. EBSCOhost,
Jorge Salvador Valdez-Martínez, Pedro Guevara-López, Gustavo Delgado-Reyes, Diana Lizet González-Baldovinos, Jose Luis Cano-Rosas, Manuela Calixto-Rodriguez, Jonathan Villanueva-Tavira, & Hector Miguel Buenabad-Arias. (2022). Communication Times Reconstruction in a Telecontrolled Client–Server Scheme: An Approach by Kalman Filter Applied to a Proprietary Real-Time Operating System and TCP/IP Protocol. Mathematics, 10(20), 3885.
Jorge Salvador Valdez-Martínez, Pedro Guevara-López, Gustavo Delgado-Reyes, Diana Lizet González-Baldovinos, Jose Luis Cano-Rosas, Manuela Calixto-Rodriguez, Jonathan Villanueva-Tavira, and Hector Miguel Buenabad-Arias. 2022. “Communication Times Reconstruction in a Telecontrolled Client–Server Scheme: An Approach by Kalman Filter Applied to a Proprietary Real-Time Operating System and TCP/IP Protocol.” Mathematics 10 (20): 3885. doi:10.3390/math10203885.