Laser therapy in the treatment of feline sporotrichosis: A case series
Daniella Souther Carvalho Ribeiro, et al. “Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Feline Sporotrichosis: A Case Series.” Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 45, Apr. 2023, p. e005822. EBSCOhost,
Daniella Souther Carvalho Ribeiro, Luana Jordão Machado, Jéssica Gomes Pereira, Andrea Regina de Souza Baptista, & Elisabeth Martins da Silva da Rocha. (2023). Laser therapy in the treatment of feline sporotrichosis: A case series. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 45, e005822.
Daniella Souther Carvalho Ribeiro, Luana Jordão Machado, Jéssica Gomes Pereira, Andrea Regina de Souza Baptista, and Elisabeth Martins da Silva da Rocha. 2023. “Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Feline Sporotrichosis: A Case Series.” Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 45 (April): e005822. doi:10.29374/2527-2179.bjvm005822.