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Hyperbolic Delaunay Geometric Alignment

Authors :
Medbouhi, Aniss Aiman
Marchetti, Giovanni Luca
Polianskii, Vladislav
Kravberg, Alexander
Poklukar, Petra
Varava, Anastasia
Kragic, Danica
Publication Year :


Hyperbolic machine learning is an emerging field aimed at representing data with a hierarchical structure. However, there is a lack of tools for evaluation and analysis of the resulting hyperbolic data representations. To this end, we propose Hyperbolic Delaunay Geometric Alignment (HyperDGA) -- a similarity score for comparing datasets in a hyperbolic space. The core idea is counting the edges of the hyperbolic Delaunay graph connecting datapoints across the given sets. We provide an empirical investigation on synthetic and real-life biological data and demonstrate that HyperDGA outperforms the hyperbolic version of classical distances between sets. Furthermore, we showcase the potential of HyperDGA for evaluating latent representations inferred by a Hyperbolic Variational Auto-Encoder.


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Document Type :
Working Paper