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On the average spin Chern number

Authors :
Gonzalez-Hernandez, Rafael
Uribe, Bernardo
Publication Year :


In this letter, we propose the average spin Chern number (ASCN) as an indicator of the topological significance of the spin degree of freedom within insulating materials. Whenever this number is a non-zero even integer, it distinguishes the material as a spin Chern insulator and the number is a topological invariant. If this number is not zero, it indicates that the material has non-trivial spin transport properties, and it lies close to the value of the spin Hall conductivity (SHC) within the bandgap. For materials where spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is small, the ASCN matches the SHC. When the SOC cannot be neglected, both values are non-zero simultaneously. The ASCN is therefore a good complement for the intrinsic contribution of the SHC, and permits to detect topological information of the material which is not possible alone from the value of the SHC.<br />Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures


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Document Type :
Working Paper