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Planck intermediate results. XXXIX. The Planck list of high-redshift source candidates

Authors :
Planck Collaboration
Ade, P. A. R.
Aghanim, N.
Arnaud, M.
Aumont, J.
Baccigalupi, C.
Banday, A. J.
Barreiro, R. B.
Bartolo, N.
Battaner, E.
Benabed, K.
Benoit-Lévy, A.
Bernard, J. -P.
Bersanelli, M.
Bielewicz, P.
Bonaldi, A.
Bonavera, L.
Bond, J. R.
Borrill, J.
Bouchet, F. R.
Boulanger, F.
Burigana, C.
Butler, R. C.
Calabrese, E.
Catalano, A.
Chiang, H. C.
Christensen, P. R.
Clements, D. L.
Colombo, L. P. L.
Couchot, F.
Coulais, A.
Crill, B. P.
Curto, A.
Cuttaia, F.
Danese, L.
Davies, R. D.
Davis, R. J.
de Bernardis, P.
de Rosa, A.
de Zotti, G.
Delabrouille, J.
Dickinson, C.
Diego, J. M.
Dole, H.
Doré, O.
Douspis, M.
Ducout, A.
Dupac, X.
Elsner, F.
Enßlin, T. A.
Eriksen, H. K.
Falgarone, E.
Finelli, F.
Flores-Cacho, I.
Frailis, M.
Fraisse, A. A.
Franceschi, E.
Galeotta, S.
Galli, S.
Ganga, K.
Giard, M.
Giraud-Héraud, Y.
Gjerløw, E.
González-Nuevo, J.
Górski, K. M.
Gregorio, A.
Gruppuso, A.
Gudmundsson, J. E.
Hansen, F. K.
Harrison, D. L.
Helou, G.
Hernández-Monteagudo, C.
Herranz, D.
Hildebrandt, S. R.
Hivon, E.
Hobson, M.
Hornstrup, A.
Hovest, W.
Huffenberger, K. M.
Hurier, G.
Jaffe, A. H.
Jaffe, T. R.
Keihänen, E.
Keskitalo, R.
Kisner, T. S.
Knoche, J.
Kunz, M.
Kurki-Suonio, H.
Lagache, G.
Lamarre, J. -M.
Lasenby, A.
Lattanzi, M.
Lawrence, C. R.
Leonardi, R.
Levrier, F.
Lilje, P. B.
Linden-Vørnle, M.
López-Caniego, M.
Lubin, P. M.
Macías-Pérez, J. F.
Maffei, B.
Maggio, G.
Maino, D.
Mandolesi, N.
Mangilli, A.
Maris, M.
Martin, P. G.
Martínez-González, E.
Masi, S.
Matarrese, S.
Melchiorri, A.
Mennella, A.
Migliaccio, M.
Mitra, S.
Miville-Deschênes, M. -A.
Moneti, A.
Montier, L.
Morgante, G.
Mortlock, D.
Munshi, D.
Murphy, J. A.
Nati, F.
Natoli, P.
Nesvadba, N. P. H.
Noviello, F.
Novikov, D.
Novikov, I.
Oxborrow, C. A.
Pagano, L.
Pajot, F.
Paoletti, D.
Partridge, B.
Pasian, F.
Pearson, T. J.
Perdereau, O.
Perotto, L.
Pettorino, V.
Piacentini, F.
Piat, M.
Plaszczynski, S.
Pointecouteau, E.
Polenta, G.
Pratt, G. W.
Prunet, S.
Puget, J. -L.
Rachen, J. P.
Reinecke, M.
Remazeilles, M.
Renault, C.
Renzi, A.
Ristorcelli, I.
Rocha, G.
Rosset, C.
Rossetti, M.
Roudier, G.
Rubiño-Martín, J. A.
Rusholme, B.
Sandri, M.
Santos, D.
Savelainen, M.
Savini, G.
Scott, D.
Spencer, L. D.
Stolyarov, V.
Stompor, R.
Sudiwala, R.
Sunyaev, R.
Suur-Uski, A. -S.
Sygnet, J. -F.
Tauber, J. A.
Terenzi, L.
Toffolatti, L.
Tomasi, M.
Tristram, M.
Tucci, M.
Türler, M.
Umana, G.
Valenziano, L.
Valiviita, J.
Van Tent, B.
Vielva, P.
Villa, F.
Wade, L. A.
Wandelt, B. D.
Wehus, I. K.
Welikala, N.
Yvon, D.
Zacchei, A.
Zonca, A.
Source :
A&A 596, A100 (2016)
Publication Year :


The Planck mission, thanks to its large frequency range and all-sky coverage, has a unique potential for systematically detecting the brightest, and rarest, submillimetre sources on the sky, including distant objects in the high-redshift Universe traced by their dust emission. A novel method, based on a component-separation procedure using a combination of Planck and IRAS data, has been applied to select the most luminous cold submm sources with spectral energy distributions peaking between 353 and 857GHz at 5' resolution. A total of 2151 Planck high-z source candidates (the PHZ) have been detected in the cleanest 26% of the sky, with flux density at 545GHz above 500mJy. Embedded in the cosmic infrared background close to the confusion limit, these high-z candidates exhibit colder colours than their surroundings, consistent with redshifts z>2, assuming a dust temperature of 35K and a spectral index of 1.5. First follow-up observations obtained from optical to submm have confirmed that this list consists of two distinct populations. A small fraction (around 3%) of the sources have been identified as strongly gravitationally lensed star-forming galaxies, which are amongst the brightest submm lensed objects (with flux density at 545GHz ranging from 350mJy up to 1Jy) at redshift 2 to 4. However, the vast majority of the PHZ sources appear as overdensities of dusty star-forming galaxies, having colours consistent with z>2, and may be considered as proto-cluster candidates. The PHZ provides an original sample, complementary to the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich Catalogue; by extending the population of the virialized massive galaxy clusters to a population of sources at z>1.5, the PHZ may contain the progenitors of today's clusters. Hence the PHZ opens a new window on the study of the early ages of structure formation, and the understanding of the intensively star-forming phase at high-z.


Database :
Journal :
A&A 596, A100 (2016)
Publication Type :
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Document Type :
Working Paper
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