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Determination of Agromorphological and Biochemical Characteristics of Fruits of Plum Cultivars and Genotypes According to Different Maturity Stages

Authors :
ÇATAK, Esengül
GEÇER, Mustafa Kenan
Source :
Volume: 8, Issue: 3 430-439, Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, International Journal of Agricultural and Wildlife Sciences
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, 2022.


Bu çalışma, Iğdır’da yetiştirilen beş ticari erik çeşidi ve yaygın olan beş yabani erik genotipi üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Erik meyvelerinin pomolojik özellikleri, fenolik bileşik içerikleri, organik asit içerikleri ve C vitamini miktarı tespit edilmiştir. Pomolojik özellikler arasında meyve ağırlığı, meyve kalınlığı, meyve boyu ve meyve genişliği Autumn Giant çeşidinde sırasıyla 130.5 g, 56.4 mm, 48.6 mm, 53.3 mm olarak daha yüksek ölçülmüşken, meyve sap uzunluğu Japon çeşidinde 13.7 mm olarak tespit edilmiştir. Fitokimyasallardan; titre edilebilir asitlik Angelino çeşidinde (% 2.1), suda çözünür kuru madde içeriği Can Eriğinde (%21.4), pH Tip 5 genotipinde (3.7), C vitamini Tip 2 genotipinde (29.44 mg 100g-1); organik asitlerden okzalik asit Tip 3 genotipinde (8.043 mg 100g-1), sitrik asit Autumn Giant çeşidinde (27.142 mg 100g-1), malik asit Black Splendor çeşidinde (5.121 mg 100g-1), süksinik asit (5.541 mg 100g-1) ve fumarik asit (7.071 mg 100g-1) Angelino çeşidinde daha yüksek belirlenmiştir. Fenolik bileşiklerden; gallik asit (2.078 mg 100g-1) Tip 4 genotipinde, protokateşuik asit (1.975 mg 100g-1) Angelino çeşidinde, kateşin (6.971 mg 100g-1) Tip 4 genotipinde, klorojenik asit (20.027 mg 100g-1) ve vanilik asit (0.589 mg 100g-1) Autumn Giant çeşidinde, kafeik asit (1.016 mg 100g-1) ve siringik asit (0.982 mg 100g-1) Tip 4 genotipinde, p-kumarik asit (1.712 mg 100g-1) Angelino çeşidinde, ferulik asit (1.647 mg 100g-1) Tip 5 genotipinde, o- kumarik asit (0.388 mg 100g-1) Angelino çeşidinde ve rutin (0.981 mg 100g-1) Black Splendor çeşidinde daha yüksek ölçülmüştür. Erik genotipleri arasında büyük bir çeşitliliğin olduğu görülmüştür.<br />This study was conducted on five commercial plum cultivars are grown in Iğdır province and five wild plum genotypes commonly found in the province. The pomological properties, vitamin C, organic acids contents and phenolic compounds contents of plum fruits were determined. As for the pomological properties, fruit weight was measured as 130.5 g in Autumn Giant cultivar, while fruit thickness was 56.4 mm, fruit length was 48.6 mm, and fruit width was 53.3 mm. The fruit stem length was 13.7 mm in Japanese cultivar. Among phytochemicals; in the highest titratable acidity was detected in Angelino cultivar (2.1%), while the highest soluble solid content was determined in Green Plum (21.4%), the pH in Type 5 genotype (3.7), vitamin C in Type 2 genotype (29.44 mg 100g-1); of organic acids, oxalic acid was determined to be the highest in Type 3 genotype (8.043 mg 100g-1), citric acid in Autumn Giant cultivar (27.142 mg 100g-1), malic acid in Black Splendor cultivar (5.121 mg 100g-1), succinic acid (5.541 mg 100g-1) and fumaric acid (7.071 mg 100g-1) was determined in Angelino cultivar. From phenolic compounds; gallic acid was determined to be the highest in Type 4 genotype (2.078 mg 100g-1), protocatechuic acid in Angelino cultivar (1.975 mg 100g-1), catechin in Type 4 genotype (6.971 mg 100g-1), chlorogenic acid (20.027 mg 100g-1) and vanillic acid (0.589 mg 100g-1) in Autumn Giant cultivar, caffeic acid in Type 4 genotype (1.016 mg 100g-1), syringic acid in Type 4 genotype (0.982 mg 100g-1), p-coumaric acid in Angelino cultivar (1.712 mg 100g-1), ferulic acid in Type 5 genotype (1,647 mg 100g-1), o-coumaric acid in Angelino cultivar (0.388 mg 100g-1), rutin in Black Splendor cultivar (0.981 mg 100g-1). It has been observed that there is a great diversity among the plum genotypes.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Volume: 8, Issue: 3 430-439, Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, International Journal of Agricultural and Wildlife Sciences
Accession number :