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Safety and efficacy of the NVX-CoV2373 COVID-19 vaccine at completion of the placebo-controlled phase of a randomized controlled trial

Authors :
Paul T, Heath
Eva P, Galiza
David Neil, Baxter
Marta, Boffito
Duncan, Browne
Fiona, Burns
David R, Chadwick
Rebecca, Clark
Catherine A, Cosgrove
James, Galloway
Anna L, Goodman
Amardeep, Heer
Andrew, Higham
Shalini, Iyengar
Christopher, Jeanes
Philip A, Kalra
Christina, Kyriakidou
Judy M, Bradley
Chigomezgo, Munthali
Angela M, Minassian
Fiona, McGill
Patrick, Moore
Imrozia, Munsoor
Helen, Nicholls
Orod, Osanlou
Jonathan, Packham
Carol H, Pretswell
Alberto San, Francisco Ramos
Dinesh, Saralaya
Ray P, Sheridan
Richard, Smith
Roy L, Soiza
Pauline A, Swift
Emma C, Thomson
Jeremy, Turner
Marianne Elizabeth, Viljoen
Louis, Fries
Iksung, Cho
Irene, McKnight
Greg, Glenn
E Joy, Rivers
Andreana, Robertson
Katia, Alves
Kathy, Smith
Seth, Toback
Source :
Heath, P T, Galiza, E P, Baxter, D N, Boffito, M, Browne, D, Burns, F, Chadwick, D R, Clark, R, Cosgrove, C A, Galloway, J, Goodman, A L, Heer, A, Higham, A, Iyengar, S, Jeanes, C, Kalra, P A, Kyriakidou, C, Bradley, J M, Munthali, C, Minassian, A M, McGill, F, Moore, P, Munsoor, I, Nicholls, H, Osanlou, O, Packham, J, Pretswell, C H, Francisco Ramos, A S, Saralaya, D, Sheridan, R P, Smith, R, Soiza, R L, Swift, P A, Thomson, E C, Turner, J, Viljoen, M E, Fries, L, Cho, I, McKnight, I, Glenn, G, Rivers, E J, Robertson, A, Alves, K, Smith, K & Toback, S 2023, ' Safety and efficacy of the NVX-CoV2373 COVID-19 vaccine at completion of the placebo-controlled phase of a randomized controlled trial ', Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 398–407 .
Publication Year :


BackgroundThe recombinant protein-based vaccine, NVX-CoV2373, demonstrated 89.7% efficacy against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a phase 3, randomized, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled trial in the United Kingdom. The protocol was amended to include a blinded crossover. Data to the end of the placebo-controlled phase are reported.MethodsAdults aged 18–84 years received 2 doses of NVX-CoV2373 or placebo (1:1) and were monitored for virologically confirmed mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 (onset from 7 days after second vaccination). Participants who developed immunoglobulin G (IgG) against nucleocapsid protein but did not show symptomatic COVID-19 were considered asymptomatic. Secondary outcomes included anti-spike (S) IgG responses, wild-type virus neutralization, and T-cell responses.ResultsOf 15 185 participants, 13 989 remained in the per-protocol efficacy population (6989 NVX-CoV2373, 7000 placebo). At a maximum of 7.5 months (median, 4.5) postvaccination, there were 24 cases of COVID-19 among NVX-CoV2373 recipients and 134 cases among placebo recipients, a vaccine efficacy of 82.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 73.3%–88.8%). Vaccine efficacy was 100% (95% CI, 17.9%–100.0%) against severe disease and 76.3% (95% CI, 57.4%–86.8%) against asymptomatic disease. High anti-S and neutralization responses to vaccination were evident, together with S-protein–specific induction of interferon-γ secretion in peripheral blood T cells. Incidence of serious adverse events and adverse events of special interest were similar between groups.ConclusionsA 2-dose regimen of NVX-CoV2373 conferred a high level of ongoing protection against asymptomatic, symptomatic, and severe COVID-19 through >6 months postvaccination. A gradual decrease of protection suggests that a booster may be indicated.


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Journal :
Heath, P T, Galiza, E P, Baxter, D N, Boffito, M, Browne, D, Burns, F, Chadwick, D R, Clark, R, Cosgrove, C A, Galloway, J, Goodman, A L, Heer, A, Higham, A, Iyengar, S, Jeanes, C, Kalra, P A, Kyriakidou, C, Bradley, J M, Munthali, C, Minassian, A M, McGill, F, Moore, P, Munsoor, I, Nicholls, H, Osanlou, O, Packham, J, Pretswell, C H, Francisco Ramos, A S, Saralaya, D, Sheridan, R P, Smith, R, Soiza, R L, Swift, P A, Thomson, E C, Turner, J, Viljoen, M E, Fries, L, Cho, I, McKnight, I, Glenn, G, Rivers, E J, Robertson, A, Alves, K, Smith, K & Toback, S 2023, ' Safety and efficacy of the NVX-CoV2373 COVID-19 vaccine at completion of the placebo-controlled phase of a randomized controlled trial ', Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 398–407 .
Accession number :