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Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder

Authors :
Bauer, Michael
Glenn, Tasha
Achtyes, Eric
Alda, Martin
Agaoglu, Esen
Altınbaş, Kürşat
Andreassen, Ole
Angelopoulos, Elias
Ardau, Raffaella
Vares, Edgar Arrua
Aydin, Memduha
Ayhan, Yavuz
Baethge, Christopher
Bauer, Rita
Baune, Bernhard
Balaban, Ceylan
Becerra-Palars, Claudia
Behere, Aniruddh
Behere, Prakash
Belete, Habte
Belete, Tilahun
Belizario, Gabriel Okawa
Bellivier, Frank
Belmaker, Robert
Benedetti, Francesco
Berk, Michael
Bersudsky, Yuly
Bicakci, Şule
Birabwa-Oketcho, Harriet
Bjella, Thomas
Brady, Conan
Cabrera, Jorge
Cappucciati, Marco
Castro, Angela Marianne Paredes
Chen, Wei-Ling
Cheung, Eric
Chiesa, Silvia
Crowe, Marie
Cuomo, Alessandro
Dallaspezia, Sara
del Zompo, Maria
Desai, Pratikkumar
Dodd, Seetal
Donix, Markus
Etain, Bruno
Fagiolini, Andrea
Fellendorf, Frederike
Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, Ewa
Fiedorowicz, Jess
Fountoulakis, Kostas
Frye, Mark
Geoffroy, Pierre
Gonzalez-Pinto, Ana
Gottlieb, John
Grof, Paul
Haarman, Bartholomeus
Harima, Hirohiko
Hasse-Sousa, Mathias
Henry, Chantal
Høffding, Lone
Houenou, Josselin
Imbesi, Massimiliano
Isometsä, Erkki
Ivkovic, Maja
Janno, Sven
Johnsen, Simon
Kapczinski, Flávio
Karakatsoulis, Gregory
Kardell, Mathias
Kessing, Lars Vedel
Kim, Seong Jae
König, Barbara
Kot, Timur
Koval, Michael
Kunz, Mauricio
Lafer, Beny
Landén, Mikael
Larsen, Erik
Lenger, Melanie
Lewitzka, Ute
Licht, Rasmus
Lopez-Jaramillo, Carlos
Mackenzie, Alan
Madsen, Helle Østergaard
Madsen, Simone Alberte Kongstad A
Mahadevan, Jayant
Mahardika, Agustine
Manchia, Mirko
Marsh, Wendy
Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, Monica
Martiny, Klaus
Mashima, Yuki
Mcloughlin, Declan
Meesters, Ybe
Melle, Ingrid
Meza-Urzúa, Fátima
Ming, Mok Yee
Monteith, Scott
Moorthy, Muthukumaran
Morken, Gunnar
Mosca, Enrica
Mozzhegorov, Anton
Munoz, Rodrigo
Mythri, Starlin
Nacef, Fethi
Nadella, Ravi
Nakanotani, Takako
Nielsen, René Ernst
O'Donovan, Claire
Omrani, Adel
Osher, Yamima
Ouali, Uta
Pantovic-Stefanovic, Maja
Pariwatcharakul, Pornjira
Petite, Joanne
Pfennig, Andrea
Ruiz, Yolanda Pica
Pilhatsch, Maximilian
Pinna, Marco
Pompili, Maurizio
Porter, Richard
Quiroz, Danilo
Rabelo-Da-Ponte, Francisco Diego
Ramesar, Raj
Rasgon, Natalie
Ratta-Apha, Woraphat
Ratzenhofer, Michaela
Redahan, Maria
Reddy, M.
Reif, Andreas
Reininghaus, Eva
Richards, Jenny Gringer
Ritter, Philipp
Rybakowski, Janusz
Sathyaputri, Leela
Scippa, Ângela
Simhandl, Christian
Severus, Emanuel
Smith, Daniel
Smith, José
Stackhouse, Paul
Stein, Dan
Stilwell, Kellen
Strejilevich, Sergio
Su, Kuan-Pin
Subramaniam, Mythily
Sulaiman, Ahmad Hatim
Suominen, Kirsi
Tanra, Andi
Tatebayashi, Yoshitaka
Teh, Wen Lin
Tondo, Leonardo
Torrent, Carla
Tuinstra, Daniel
Uchida, Takahito
Vaaler, Arne
Veeh, Julia
Vieta, Eduard
Viswanath, Biju
Yoldi-Negrete, Maria
Yalcinkaya, Oguz Kaan
Young, Allan
Zgueb, Yosra
Whybrow, Peter
Madsen, Simone Alberte Kongstad A.
Bauer, M.
Glenn, T.
Achtyes, E. D.
Alda, M.
Agaoglu, E.
Altinbas, K.
Andreassen, O. A.
Angelopoulos, E.
Ardau, R.
Vares, E. A.
Aydin, M.
Ayhan, Y.
Baethge, C.
Bauer, R.
Baune, B. T.
Balaban, C.
Becerra-Palars, C.
Behere, A. P.
Behere, P. B.
Belete, H.
Belete, T.
Belizario, G. O.
Bellivier, F.
Belmaker, R. H.
Benedetti, F.
Berk, M.
Bersudsky, Y.
Bicakci, S.
Birabwa-Oketcho, H.
Bjella, T. D.
Brady, C.
Cabrera, J.
Cappucciati, M.
Castro, A. M. P.
Chen, W. -L.
Cheung, E. Y. W.
Chiesa, S.
Crowe, M.
Cuomo, A.
Dallaspezia, S.
Del Zompo, M.
Desai, P.
Dodd, S.
Donix, M.
Etain, B.
Fagiolini, A.
Fellendorf, F. T.
Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, E.
Fiedorowicz, J. G.
Fountoulakis, K. N.
Frye, M. A.
Geoffroy, P. A.
Gonzalez-Pinto, A.
Gottlieb, J. F.
Grof, P.
Haarman, B. C. M.
Harima, H.
Hasse-Sousa, M.
Henry, C.
Hoffding, L.
Houenou, J.
Imbesi, M.
Isometsa, E. T.
Ivkovic, M.
Janno, S.
Johnsen, S.
Kapczinski, F.
Karakatsoulis, G. N.
Kardell, M.
Kessing, L. V.
Kim, S. J.
Konig, B.
Kot, T. L.
Koval, M.
Kunz, M.
Lafer, B.
Landen, M.
Larsen, E. R.
Lenger, M.
Lewitzka, U.
Licht, R. W.
Lopez-Jaramillo, C.
Mackenzie, A.
Madsen, H. O.
Madsen, S. A. K. A.
Mahadevan, J.
Mahardika, A.
Manchia, M.
Marsh, W.
Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, M.
Martiny, K.
Mashima, Y.
Mcloughlin, D. M.
Meesters, Y.
Melle, I.
Meza-Urzua, F.
Ming, M. Y.
Monteith, S.
Moorthy, M.
Morken, G.
Mosca, E.
Mozzhegorov, A. A.
Munoz, R.
Mythri, S. V.
Nacef, F.
Nadella, R. K.
Nakanotani, T.
Nielsen, R. E.
O'Donovan, C.
Omrani, A.
Osher, Y.
Ouali, U.
Pantovic-Stefanovic, M.
Pariwatcharakul, P.
Petite, J.
Pfennig, A.
Ruiz, Y. P.
Pilhatsch, M.
Pinna, M.
Pompili, M.
Porter, R.
Quiroz, D.
Rabelo-da-Ponte, F. D.
Ramesar, R.
Rasgon, N.
Ratta-apha, W.
Ratzenhofer, M.
Redahan, M.
Reddy, M. S.
Reif, A.
Reininghaus, E. Z.
Richards, J. G.
Ritter, P.
Rybakowski, J. K.
Sathyaputri, L.
Scippa, A. M.
Simhandl, C.
Severus, E.
Smith, D.
Smith, J.
Stackhouse, P. W.
Stein, D. J.
Stilwell, K.
Strejilevich, S.
Su, K. -P.
Subramaniam, M.
Sulaiman, A. H.
Suominen, K.
Tanra, A. J.
Tatebayashi, Y.
Teh, W. L.
Tondo, L.
Torrent, C.
Tuinstra, D.
Uchida, T.
Vaaler, A. E.
Veeh, J.
Vieta, E.
Viswanath, B.
Yoldi-Negrete, M.
Yalcinkaya, O. K.
Young, A. H.
Zgueb, Y.
Whybrow, P. C.
Etain, Bruno
Optimisation thérapeutique en Neuropsychopharmacologie (OPTeN (UMR_S_1144 / U1144))
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité)
AP-HP - Hôpital Bichat - Claude Bernard [Paris]
Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)
Maladies neurodéveloppementales et neurovasculaires (NeuroDiderot (UMR_S_1141 / U1141))
GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences
Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale (IMRB)
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-IFR10-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12)
Université Paris-Saclay-Direction de Recherche Fondamentale (CEA) (DRF (CEA))
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
Fondation FondaMental [Créteil]
Clinical Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Research Program (CCNP)
Department of Pathology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Source :
International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 2021, 9 (1), pp.26. ⟨10.1186/s40345-021-00231-7⟩, Bauer, M, Glenn, T, Achtyes, E D, Alda, M, Agaoglu, E, Altınbaş, K, Andreassen, O A, Angelopoulos, E, Ardau, R, Vares, E A, Aydin, M, Ayhan, Y, Baethge, C, Bauer, R, Baune, B T, Balaban, C, Becerra-palars, C, Behere, A P, Behere, P B, Belete, H, Belete, T, Belizario, G O, Bellivier, F, Belmaker, R H, Benedetti, F, Berk, M, Bersudsky, Y, Bicakci, Ş, Birabwa-oketcho, H, Bjella, T D, Brady, C, Cabrera, J, Cappucciati, M, Castro, A M P, Chen, W, Cheung, E Y W, Chiesa, S, Crowe, M, Cuomo, A, Dallaspezia, S, Del Zompo, M, Desai, P, Dodd, S, Donix, M, Etain, B, Fagiolini, A, Fellendorf, F T, Ferensztajn-rochowiak, E, Fiedorowicz, J G, Fountoulakis, K N, Frye, M A, Geoffroy, P A, Gonzalez-pinto, A, Gottlieb, J F, Grof, P, Haarman, B C M, Harima, H, Hasse-sousa, M, Henry, C, Høffding, L, Houenou, J, Imbesi, M, Isometsä, E T, Ivkovic, M, Janno, S, Johnsen, S, Kapczinski, F, Karakatsoulis, G N, Kardell, M, Kessing, L V, Kim, S J, König, B, Kot, T L, Koval, M, Kunz, M, Lafer, B, Landén, M, Larsen, E R, Lenger, M, Lewitzka, U, Licht, R W, Lopez-jaramillo, C, Mackenzie, A, Madsen, H Ø, Madsen, S A K A, Mahadevan, J, Mahardika, A, Manchia, M, Marsh, W, Martinez-cengotitabengoa, M, Martiny, K, Mashima, Y, Mcloughlin, D M, Meesters, Y, Melle, I, Meza-urzúa, F, Ming, M Y, Monteith, S, Moorthy, M, Morken, G, Mosca, E, Mozzhegorov, A A, Munoz, R, Mythri, S V, Nacef, F, Nadella, R K, Nakanotani, T, Nielsen, R E, O‘donovan, C, Omrani, A, Osher, Y, Ouali, U, Pantovic-stefanovic, M, Pariwatcharakul, P, Petite, J, Pfennig, A, Ruiz, Y P, Pilhatsch, M, Pinna, M, Pompili, M, Porter, R, Quiroz, D, Rabelo-da-ponte, F D, Ramesar, R, Rasgon, N, Ratta-apha, W, Ratzenhofer, M, Redahan, M, Reddy, M S, Reif, A, Reininghaus, E Z, Richards, J G, Ritter, P, Rybakowski, J K, Sathyaputri, L, Scippa, Â M, Simhandl, C, Severus, E, Smith, D, Smith, J, Stackhouse, P W, Stein, D J, Stilwell, K, Strejilevich, S, Su, K, Subramaniam, M, Sulaiman, A H, Suominen, K, Tanra, A J, Tatebayashi, Y, Teh, W L, Tondo, L, Torrent, C, Tuinstra, D, Uchida, T, Vaaler, A E, Veeh, J, Vieta, E, Viswanath, B, Yoldi-negrete, M, Yalcinkaya, O K, Young, A H, Zgueb, Y & Whybrow, P C 2021, ' Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder ', International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, vol. 9, no. 1 ., International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 9(1):26. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, Bauer, M, Glenn, T, Achtyes, E D, Alda, M, Agaoglu, E, Altınbaş, K, Andreassen, O A, Angelopoulos, E, Ardau, R, Vares, E A, Aydin, M, Ayhan, Y, Baethge, C, Bauer, R, Baune, B T, Balaban, C, Becerra-Palars, C, Behere, A P, Behere, P B, Belete, H, Belete, T, Belizario, G O, Bellivier, F, Belmaker, R H, Benedetti, F, Berk, M, Bersudsky, Y, Bicakci, Ş, Birabwa-Oketcho, H, Bjella, T D, Brady, C, Cabrera, J, Cappucciati, M, Castro, A M P, Chen, W-L, Cheung, E Y W, Chiesa, S, Crowe, M, Cuomo, A, Dallaspezia, S, Del Zompo, M, Desai, P, Dodd, S, Donix, M, Etain, B, Fagiolini, A, Fellendorf, F T, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, E, Fiedorowicz, J G, Fountoulakis, K N, Frye, M A, Geoffroy, P A, Gonzalez-Pinto, A, Gottlieb, J F, Grof, P, Haarman, B C M, Harima, H, Hasse-Sousa, M, Henry, C, Høffding, L, Houenou, J, Imbesi, M, Isometsä, E T, Ivkovic, M, Janno, S, Johnsen, S, Kapczinski, F, Karakatsoulis, G N, Kardell, M, Kessing, L V, Kim, S J, König, B, Kot, T L, Koval, M, Kunz, M, Lafer, B, Landén, M, Larsen, E R, Lenger, M, Lewitzka, U, Licht, R W, Lopez-Jaramillo, C, MacKenzie, A, Madsen, H Ø, Madsen, S A K A, Mahadevan, J, Mahardika, A, Manchia, M, Marsh, W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, M, Martiny, K, Mashima, Y, McLoughlin, D M, Meesters, Y, Melle, I, Meza-Urzúa, F, Ming, M Y, Monteith, S, Moorthy, M, Morken, G, Mosca, E, Mozzhegorov, A A, Munoz, R, Mythri, S V, Nacef, F, Nadella, R K, Nakanotani, T, Nielsen, R E, O'Donovan, C, Omrani, A, Osher, Y, Ouali, U, Pantovic-Stefanovic, M, Pariwatcharakul, P, Petite, J, Pfennig, A, Ruiz, Y P, Pilhatsch, M, Pinna, M, Pompili, M, Porter, R, Quiroz, D, Rabelo-da-Ponte, F D, Ramesar, R, Rasgon, N, Ratta-Apha, W, Ratzenhofer, M, Redahan, M, Reddy, M S, Reif, A, Reininghaus, E Z, Richards, J G, Ritter, P, Rybakowski, J K, Sathyaputri, L, Scippa, Â M, Simhandl, C, Severus, E, Smith, D, Smith, J, Stackhouse, P W, Stein, D J, Stilwell, K, Strejilevich, S, Su, K-P, Subramaniam, M, Sulaiman, A H, Suominen, K, Tanra, A J, Tatebayashi, Y, Teh, W L, Tondo, L, Torrent, C, Tuinstra, D, Uchida, T, Vaaler, A E, Veeh, J, Vieta, E, Viswanath, B, Yoldi-Negrete, M, Yalcinkaya, O K, Young, A H, Zgueb, Y & Whybrow, P C 2021, ' Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder ', International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, vol. 9, no. 1, 26 ., International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, Vol 9, Iss 1, Pp 1-14 (2021), International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, Springer Open, 2021, 9 (1), pp.26. ⟨10.1186/s40345-021-00231-7⟩, Bauer, M, Glenn, T, Achtyes, E D, Alda, M, Agaoglu, E, Altınbaş, K, Andreassen, O A, Angelopoulos, E, Ardau, R, Vares, E A, Aydin, M, Ayhan, Y, Baethge, C, Bauer, R, Baune, B T, Balaban, C, Becerra-Palars, C, Behere, A P, Behere, P B, Belete, H, Belete, T, Belizario, G O, Bellivier, F, Belmaker, R H, Benedetti, F, Berk, M, Bersudsky, Y, Bicakci, Ş, Birabwa-Oketcho, H, Bjella, T D, Brady, C, Cabrera, J, Cappucciati, M, Castro, A M P, Chen, W L, Cheung, E Y W, Chiesa, S, Crowe, M, Cuomo, A, Dallaspezia, S, Del Zompo, M, Desai, P, Dodd, S, Donix, M, Etain, B, Fagiolini, A, Fellendorf, F T, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, E, Fiedorowicz, J G, Fountoulakis, K N, Frye, M A, Geoffroy, P A, Gonzalez-Pinto, A, Gottlieb, J F, Grof, P, Haarman, B C M, Harima, H, Hasse-Sousa, M, Henry, C, Høffding, L, Houenou, J, Imbesi, M, Isometsä, E T, Ivkovic, M, Janno, S, Johnsen, S, Kapczinski, F, Karakatsoulis, G N, Kardell, M, Kessing, L V, Kim, S J, König, B, Kot, T L, Koval, M, Kunz, M, Lafer, B, Landén, M, Larsen, E R, Lenger, M, Lewitzka, U, Licht, R W, Lopez-Jaramillo, C, MacKenzie, A, Madsen, H Ø, Madsen, S A K A, Mahadevan, J, Mahardika, A, Manchia, M, Marsh, W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, M, Martiny, K, Mashima, Y, McLoughlin, D M, Meesters, Y, Melle, I, Meza-Urzúa, F, Ming, M Y, Monteith, S, Moorthy, M, Morken, G, Mosca, E, Mozzhegorov, A A, Munoz, R, Mythri, S V, Nacef, F, Nadella, R K, Nakanotani, T, Nielsen, R E, O‘Donovan, C, Omrani, A, Osher, Y, Ouali, U, Pantovic-Stefanovic, M, Pariwatcharakul, P, Petite, J, Pfennig, A, Ruiz, Y P, Pilhatsch, M, Pinna, M, Pompili, M, Porter, R, Quiroz, D, Rabelo-da-Ponte, F D, Ramesar, R, Rasgon, N, Ratta-apha, W, Ratzenhofer, M, Redahan, M, Reddy, M S, Reif, A, Reininghaus, E Z, Richards, J G, Ritter, P, Rybakowski, J K, Sathyaputri, L, Scippa, Â M, Simhandl, C, Severus, E, Smith, D, Smith, J, Stackhouse, P W, Stein, D J, Stilwell, K, Strejilevich, S, Su, K P, Subramaniam, M, Sulaiman, A H, Suominen, K, Tanra, A J, Tatebayashi, Y, Teh, W L, Tondo, L, Torrent, C, Tuinstra, D, Uchida, T, Vaaler, A E, Veeh, J, Vieta, E, Viswanath, B, Yoldi-Negrete, M, Yalcinkaya, O K, Young, A H, Zgueb, Y & Whybrow, P C 2021, ' Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder ', International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, vol. 9, no. 1, 26 .
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021.


Background Bipolar disorder is associated with circadian disruption and a high risk of suicidal behavior. In a previous exploratory study of patients with bipolar I disorder, we found that a history of suicide attempts was associated with differences between winter and summer levels of solar insolation. The purpose of this study was to confirm this finding using international data from 42% more collection sites and 25% more countries. Methods Data analyzed were from 71 prior and new collection sites in 40 countries at a wide range of latitudes. The analysis included 4876 patients with bipolar I disorder, 45% more data than previously analyzed. Of the patients, 1496 (30.7%) had a history of suicide attempt. Solar insolation data, the amount of the sun’s electromagnetic energy striking the surface of the earth, was obtained for each onset location (479 locations in 64 countries). Results This analysis confirmed the results of the exploratory study with the same best model and slightly better statistical significance. There was a significant inverse association between a history of suicide attempts and the ratio of mean winter insolation to mean summer insolation (mean winter insolation/mean summer insolation). This ratio is largest near the equator which has little change in solar insolation over the year, and smallest near the poles where the winter insolation is very small compared to the summer insolation. Other variables in the model associated with an increased risk of suicide attempts were a history of alcohol or substance abuse, female gender, and younger birth cohort. The winter/summer insolation ratio was also replaced with the ratio of minimum mean monthly insolation to the maximum mean monthly insolation to accommodate insolation patterns in the tropics, and nearly identical results were found. All estimated coefficients were significant at p


Language :
Database :
Journal :
International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 2021, 9 (1), pp.26. ⟨10.1186/s40345-021-00231-7⟩, Bauer, M, Glenn, T, Achtyes, E D, Alda, M, Agaoglu, E, Altınbaş, K, Andreassen, O A, Angelopoulos, E, Ardau, R, Vares, E A, Aydin, M, Ayhan, Y, Baethge, C, Bauer, R, Baune, B T, Balaban, C, Becerra-palars, C, Behere, A P, Behere, P B, Belete, H, Belete, T, Belizario, G O, Bellivier, F, Belmaker, R H, Benedetti, F, Berk, M, Bersudsky, Y, Bicakci, Ş, Birabwa-oketcho, H, Bjella, T D, Brady, C, Cabrera, J, Cappucciati, M, Castro, A M P, Chen, W, Cheung, E Y W, Chiesa, S, Crowe, M, Cuomo, A, Dallaspezia, S, Del Zompo, M, Desai, P, Dodd, S, Donix, M, Etain, B, Fagiolini, A, Fellendorf, F T, Ferensztajn-rochowiak, E, Fiedorowicz, J G, Fountoulakis, K N, Frye, M A, Geoffroy, P A, Gonzalez-pinto, A, Gottlieb, J F, Grof, P, Haarman, B C M, Harima, H, Hasse-sousa, M, Henry, C, Høffding, L, Houenou, J, Imbesi, M, Isometsä, E T, Ivkovic, M, Janno, S, Johnsen, S, Kapczinski, F, Karakatsoulis, G N, Kardell, M, Kessing, L V, Kim, S J, König, B, Kot, T L, Koval, M, Kunz, M, Lafer, B, Landén, M, Larsen, E R, Lenger, M, Lewitzka, U, Licht, R W, Lopez-jaramillo, C, Mackenzie, A, Madsen, H Ø, Madsen, S A K A, Mahadevan, J, Mahardika, A, Manchia, M, Marsh, W, Martinez-cengotitabengoa, M, Martiny, K, Mashima, Y, Mcloughlin, D M, Meesters, Y, Melle, I, Meza-urzúa, F, Ming, M Y, Monteith, S, Moorthy, M, Morken, G, Mosca, E, Mozzhegorov, A A, Munoz, R, Mythri, S V, Nacef, F, Nadella, R K, Nakanotani, T, Nielsen, R E, O‘donovan, C, Omrani, A, Osher, Y, Ouali, U, Pantovic-stefanovic, M, Pariwatcharakul, P, Petite, J, Pfennig, A, Ruiz, Y P, Pilhatsch, M, Pinna, M, Pompili, M, Porter, R, Quiroz, D, Rabelo-da-ponte, F D, Ramesar, R, Rasgon, N, Ratta-apha, W, Ratzenhofer, M, Redahan, M, Reddy, M S, Reif, A, Reininghaus, E Z, Richards, J G, Ritter, P, Rybakowski, J K, Sathyaputri, L, Scippa, Â M, Simhandl, C, Severus, E, Smith, D, Smith, J, Stackhouse, P W, Stein, D J, Stilwell, K, Strejilevich, S, Su, K, Subramaniam, M, Sulaiman, A H, Suominen, K, Tanra, A J, Tatebayashi, Y, Teh, W L, Tondo, L, Torrent, C, Tuinstra, D, Uchida, T, Vaaler, A E, Veeh, J, Vieta, E, Viswanath, B, Yoldi-negrete, M, Yalcinkaya, O K, Young, A H, Zgueb, Y & Whybrow, P C 2021, ' Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder ', International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, vol. 9, no. 1 ., International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 9(1):26. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, Bauer, M, Glenn, T, Achtyes, E D, Alda, M, Agaoglu, E, Altınbaş, K, Andreassen, O A, Angelopoulos, E, Ardau, R, Vares, E A, Aydin, M, Ayhan, Y, Baethge, C, Bauer, R, Baune, B T, Balaban, C, Becerra-Palars, C, Behere, A P, Behere, P B, Belete, H, Belete, T, Belizario, G O, Bellivier, F, Belmaker, R H, Benedetti, F, Berk, M, Bersudsky, Y, Bicakci, Ş, Birabwa-Oketcho, H, Bjella, T D, Brady, C, Cabrera, J, Cappucciati, M, Castro, A M P, Chen, W-L, Cheung, E Y W, Chiesa, S, Crowe, M, Cuomo, A, Dallaspezia, S, Del Zompo, M, Desai, P, Dodd, S, Donix, M, Etain, B, Fagiolini, A, Fellendorf, F T, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, E, Fiedorowicz, J G, Fountoulakis, K N, Frye, M A, Geoffroy, P A, Gonzalez-Pinto, A, Gottlieb, J F, Grof, P, Haarman, B C M, Harima, H, Hasse-Sousa, M, Henry, C, Høffding, L, Houenou, J, Imbesi, M, Isometsä, E T, Ivkovic, M, Janno, S, Johnsen, S, Kapczinski, F, Karakatsoulis, G N, Kardell, M, Kessing, L V, Kim, S J, König, B, Kot, T L, Koval, M, Kunz, M, Lafer, B, Landén, M, Larsen, E R, Lenger, M, Lewitzka, U, Licht, R W, Lopez-Jaramillo, C, MacKenzie, A, Madsen, H Ø, Madsen, S A K A, Mahadevan, J, Mahardika, A, Manchia, M, Marsh, W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, M, Martiny, K, Mashima, Y, McLoughlin, D M, Meesters, Y, Melle, I, Meza-Urzúa, F, Ming, M Y, Monteith, S, Moorthy, M, Morken, G, Mosca, E, Mozzhegorov, A A, Munoz, R, Mythri, S V, Nacef, F, Nadella, R K, Nakanotani, T, Nielsen, R E, O'Donovan, C, Omrani, A, Osher, Y, Ouali, U, Pantovic-Stefanovic, M, Pariwatcharakul, P, Petite, J, Pfennig, A, Ruiz, Y P, Pilhatsch, M, Pinna, M, Pompili, M, Porter, R, Quiroz, D, Rabelo-da-Ponte, F D, Ramesar, R, Rasgon, N, Ratta-Apha, W, Ratzenhofer, M, Redahan, M, Reddy, M S, Reif, A, Reininghaus, E Z, Richards, J G, Ritter, P, Rybakowski, J K, Sathyaputri, L, Scippa, Â M, Simhandl, C, Severus, E, Smith, D, Smith, J, Stackhouse, P W, Stein, D J, Stilwell, K, Strejilevich, S, Su, K-P, Subramaniam, M, Sulaiman, A H, Suominen, K, Tanra, A J, Tatebayashi, Y, Teh, W L, Tondo, L, Torrent, C, Tuinstra, D, Uchida, T, Vaaler, A E, Veeh, J, Vieta, E, Viswanath, B, Yoldi-Negrete, M, Yalcinkaya, O K, Young, A H, Zgueb, Y & Whybrow, P C 2021, ' Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder ', International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, vol. 9, no. 1, 26 ., International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, Vol 9, Iss 1, Pp 1-14 (2021), International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, Springer Open, 2021, 9 (1), pp.26. ⟨10.1186/s40345-021-00231-7⟩, Bauer, M, Glenn, T, Achtyes, E D, Alda, M, Agaoglu, E, Altınbaş, K, Andreassen, O A, Angelopoulos, E, Ardau, R, Vares, E A, Aydin, M, Ayhan, Y, Baethge, C, Bauer, R, Baune, B T, Balaban, C, Becerra-Palars, C, Behere, A P, Behere, P B, Belete, H, Belete, T, Belizario, G O, Bellivier, F, Belmaker, R H, Benedetti, F, Berk, M, Bersudsky, Y, Bicakci, Ş, Birabwa-Oketcho, H, Bjella, T D, Brady, C, Cabrera, J, Cappucciati, M, Castro, A M P, Chen, W L, Cheung, E Y W, Chiesa, S, Crowe, M, Cuomo, A, Dallaspezia, S, Del Zompo, M, Desai, P, Dodd, S, Donix, M, Etain, B, Fagiolini, A, Fellendorf, F T, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, E, Fiedorowicz, J G, Fountoulakis, K N, Frye, M A, Geoffroy, P A, Gonzalez-Pinto, A, Gottlieb, J F, Grof, P, Haarman, B C M, Harima, H, Hasse-Sousa, M, Henry, C, Høffding, L, Houenou, J, Imbesi, M, Isometsä, E T, Ivkovic, M, Janno, S, Johnsen, S, Kapczinski, F, Karakatsoulis, G N, Kardell, M, Kessing, L V, Kim, S J, König, B, Kot, T L, Koval, M, Kunz, M, Lafer, B, Landén, M, Larsen, E R, Lenger, M, Lewitzka, U, Licht, R W, Lopez-Jaramillo, C, MacKenzie, A, Madsen, H Ø, Madsen, S A K A, Mahadevan, J, Mahardika, A, Manchia, M, Marsh, W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, M, Martiny, K, Mashima, Y, McLoughlin, D M, Meesters, Y, Melle, I, Meza-Urzúa, F, Ming, M Y, Monteith, S, Moorthy, M, Morken, G, Mosca, E, Mozzhegorov, A A, Munoz, R, Mythri, S V, Nacef, F, Nadella, R K, Nakanotani, T, Nielsen, R E, O‘Donovan, C, Omrani, A, Osher, Y, Ouali, U, Pantovic-Stefanovic, M, Pariwatcharakul, P, Petite, J, Pfennig, A, Ruiz, Y P, Pilhatsch, M, Pinna, M, Pompili, M, Porter, R, Quiroz, D, Rabelo-da-Ponte, F D, Ramesar, R, Rasgon, N, Ratta-apha, W, Ratzenhofer, M, Redahan, M, Reddy, M S, Reif, A, Reininghaus, E Z, Richards, J G, Ritter, P, Rybakowski, J K, Sathyaputri, L, Scippa, Â M, Simhandl, C, Severus, E, Smith, D, Smith, J, Stackhouse, P W, Stein, D J, Stilwell, K, Strejilevich, S, Su, K P, Subramaniam, M, Sulaiman, A H, Suominen, K, Tanra, A J, Tatebayashi, Y, Teh, W L, Tondo, L, Torrent, C, Tuinstra, D, Uchida, T, Vaaler, A E, Veeh, J, Vieta, E, Viswanath, B, Yoldi-Negrete, M, Yalcinkaya, O K, Young, A H, Zgueb, Y & Whybrow, P C 2021, ' Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder ', International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, vol. 9, no. 1, 26 .
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