Age does not influence efficacy of ramucirumab in advanced gastric cancer: Subgroup analyses of REGARD and RAINBOW
Kei, Muro, et al. “Age Does Not Influence Efficacy of Ramucirumab in Advanced Gastric Cancer: Subgroup Analyses of REGARD and RAINBOW.” Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 33, no. 4, Apr. 2017. EBSCOhost,
Kei, M., Jae Yong, C., Gyorgy, B., Chanchal, G., Yee, C., Lucas V, D. S., Yasuhiro, S., Eldar, T., Eric, V. C., Josep, T., John, Z., Ian, C., Stefano, C., Rebecca, C., Yanzhi, H., Michael, E., Mauro, O., & Charles, F. (2017). Age does not influence efficacy of ramucirumab in advanced gastric cancer: Subgroup analyses of REGARD and RAINBOW. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 33(4).
Kei, Muro, Cho Jae Yong, Bodoky Gyorgy, Goswami Chanchal, Chao Yee, Dos Santos Lucas V, Shimada Yasuhiro, et al. 2017. “Age Does Not Influence Efficacy of Ramucirumab in Advanced Gastric Cancer: Subgroup Analyses of REGARD and RAINBOW.” Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 33 (4).