Effect of diagnosis level of certainty on adherence to antibiotics' guidelines in ED patients with pneumonia: a post-hoc analysis of an interventional trial
Sarah, Tubiana, et al. “Effect of Diagnosis Level of Certainty on Adherence to Antibiotics’ Guidelines in ED Patients with Pneumonia: A Post-Hoc Analysis of an Interventional Trial.” European Journal of Emergency Medicine : Official Journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, June 2022. EBSCOhost,
Sarah, T., Loïc, E., Enrique, C., Bérangère Gallet, D. S. A., Jean-Marc, N., Antoine, F., Antoine, K., Pierre, H., Xavier, D., & Yann-Erick, C. (2022). Effect of diagnosis level of certainty on adherence to antibiotics’ guidelines in ED patients with pneumonia: a post-hoc analysis of an interventional trial. European Journal of Emergency Medicine : Official Journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine.
Sarah, Tubiana, Epelboin Loïc, Casalino Enrique, De Saint Aurin Bérangère Gallet, Naccache Jean-Marc, Feydy Antoine, Khalil Antoine, Hausfater Pierre, Duval Xavier, and Claessens Yann-Erick. 2022. “Effect of Diagnosis Level of Certainty on Adherence to Antibiotics’ Guidelines in ED Patients with Pneumonia: A Post-Hoc Analysis of an Interventional Trial.” European Journal of Emergency Medicine : Official Journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, June.