[Limiting factors of child traveller vaccinations: hepatitis A example]
F, Sorge, et al. “[Limiting Factors of Child Traveller Vaccinations: Hepatitis A Example].” Archives de Pediatrie : Organe Officiel de La Societe Francaise de Pediatrie, vol. 16, no. 6, June 2009. EBSCOhost,
F, S., N, G., P, I., F, G., F, M., C, L., A, B., F, K., & D, G. (2009). [Limiting factors of child traveller vaccinations: hepatitis A example]. Archives de Pediatrie : Organe Officiel de La Societe Francaise de Pediatrie, 16(6).
F, Sorge, Guérin N, Imbert P, Gay F, Moulin F, Laurent C, Banerjee A, Khelfaoui F, and Gendrel D. 2009. “[Limiting Factors of Child Traveller Vaccinations: Hepatitis A Example].” Archives de Pediatrie : Organe Officiel de La Societe Francaise de Pediatrie 16 (6).