[Further contribution to the study of the electrophoretic properties of hemoglobin synthetized in explants of the area vasculosa of the chick embryo]
L, Raunich, and Manelli H. “[Further Contribution to the Study of the Electrophoretic Properties of Hemoglobin Synthetized in Explants of the Area Vasculosa of the Chick Embryo].” La Ricerca Scientifica. 2. Ser., Pt. 2: Rendiconti. Sezione B: Biologica, vol. 6, no. 3, July 1965. EBSCOhost,
L, R., & H, M. (1965). [Further contribution to the study of the electrophoretic properties of hemoglobin synthetized in explants of the area vasculosa of the chick embryo]. La Ricerca Scientifica. 2. Ser., Pt. 2: Rendiconti. Sezione B: Biologica, 6(3).
L, Raunich, and Manelli H. 1965. “[Further Contribution to the Study of the Electrophoretic Properties of Hemoglobin Synthetized in Explants of the Area Vasculosa of the Chick Embryo].” La Ricerca Scientifica. 2. Ser., Pt. 2: Rendiconti. Sezione B: Biologica 6 (3).