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Age as demographic determinant of household consumption in Serbia

Authors :
Vasić, Petar
Devedžić, Mirjana
Radivojević, Biljana
Gligorijević, Vera
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, 2016.


The main objective of this research is identification and explanation of changes in the structure of private consumption as a function of the age of an individual. However, it is not possible to isolate and measure the consumption of individual which is being realized within the household. Yet, it is possible to make a compromise and instead of an individual, as an observation unit to take the household. The reason why in this type of research individual can not be the subject of research, lies in the definition of the household. Generally accepted way of introducing age into household consumption research is through the age of the household head, which is used in econometric studies of household consumption. On the other hand, the aim of this study is to, in the case of households in Serbia, determine the influence of age as the demographic characteristics of the structure of private consumption, as well as to explain the direction and intensity of the impact of the observed demographic characteristics of households. Changes in the demographic structure will inevitably lead to changes in the structure of private consumption. Hence, the explanation of the impact of the population age structure on the structure of private consumption would led to a more complete understanding of changes in the scope and structure of household consumption... Predmet istraživanja jeste potrošnja domaćinstava na čiji nivo i strukturu, između ostalog, utiču starost nosioca domaćinstva i demografske karakteristike članova domaćinstva. Opšte prihvaćen način uvođenja starosti u razmatranje potrošnje domaćinstava jeste preko starosti nosioca domaćinstva, koji se inače koristi u ekonometrijskim istraživanjima potrošnje stanovništva. Sa druge strane, cilj ovog istraživanja je da na primeru domaćinstava u Srbiji utvrdi uticaj starosti kao demografske odrednice na strukturu lične potrošnje, kao i da objasni smer i intenzitet uticaja posmatranih demografskih karakteristika domaćinstava. Promene u demografskim strukturama neminovno vode i do promena u strukturi lične potrošnje. Otuda bi objašnjenje uticaja starosne strukture na strukturu lične potrošnje vodilo potpunijem razumevanju promena u obimu i strukturi lične potrošnje...


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