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Üniversite kampüs planlaması ve tasarımı üzerine bir araştırma

Authors :
Çinar, Erdem
Hacıhasanoğlu, Orhan
Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998.


İvmesi her geçen gün artarak devam eden, ülkemizdeki üniversiteleşme süreci bir çok yönden bu konunun üzerinde durulması gereğini ortaya koymaktadır. Yapılarının karmaşıklığı, ülke hayatındaki önemi ve yüksek maliyetleri bu nedenlerden bazılarıdır. Yeni bir üniversitenin doğuşu uzun yıllar içinde gerçekleşen büyük ve önemli, ekonomik ve toplumsal bir olaydır. Kurulacak üniversitelerin amaçlan, ülke, bölge ve kent içindeki yerlerinin seçimi, arazinin belirlenmesi, üniversitenin genel karakterinin ve büyüklüğünün saptanması, organizasyonel yapısının düzenlenmesi ve dolayısıyla mimari taşanına esas olacak programların yapılması, gelişme nitelik ve kriterlerinin belirlenmesi, tasarım genel kararların alınması gibi bir çok önemli aşamadan geçmesi gereken bir sürecin önemi açıktır. Üniversite kavramının genel tanımlan, dünyada üniversitelerin ortaya çıkış nedenleri, ilk üniversitelerin yerleri, bu üniversitelerin organizasyonel ve fiziksel yapılan üzerinde durulmuştur. Kampus planlamaları ile kent planlamaları arasındaki ortak noktalar araştınlırken; plancılara ve tasarımcılara yardımcı olabilecek kavramlar açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca bir üniversite kampusunun barınndırması gereken aktiviteler ve bu aktivitelerin organizasyonu tabloların da yardımıyla tanıtılmaktadır. Üniversite kampüslerinin fiziksel planlama sürecinin açılımı yapılmış, süreci oluşturan her bir basamak irdelenerek projelendirme aşamasına ulaşılması için alınması gereken kararlar üzerinde durulmuştur. Büyüme ve esneklik kavranılan detaylı bir biçimde incelenmektedir. Büyüme ve esneklik yeteneğinin, üniversite kampüsleri gibi sürekli bir dinamizme sahip olan eğitim binalarında aranması gereken en önemli özellik olduğu vurgulanmıştır. Bu özelliklerin nedenleri ve sonuçlan üzerinde durulmuştur. Aynca, kampüslerin yerleşim sistemlerinin ve kampus dokusunun seçiminin daha önceki bölümlerde açıklanan kavramlar açısından ne derece önemli olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Dünyada bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar sonucu belirlenen kampus yerleşim sistemlerinin genel tanımlan yapılırken açıklanan diğer kavramlar açısından da bu sistemlerin avantajları ve dezavantajları sunulmaya çalışılmıştır. Yerleşim tiplerine en uygun örnek kampus planlan verilerek, açıklamalar bu planlanlar üzerinde yapılmıştır. Yukarıda belirtilen tasarım öncesi süreçte, mimarların doğrudan verebileceği kararlar sınırlı sayıdadır. Buna rağmen başarılı bir sonuca ulaşılması, mimarların da bu süreç içinde etkin görevleriyle mümkündür. Üniversite kampüslerinin planlamasını ve tasarımını belirleyecek etkenlerin çok farklı boyutlarda ve değişken olmaları nedeniyle planlama ve tasarım sorumlularına belli kalıpta reçeteler sunmaktansa, konuyla ilgili sorunlar belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Belirlenen bu sorunların yukarıda açıklanan görüşler doğrultusunda ilgililer tarafından tartışılmasının daha yararlı olacağı düşünülmüştür. Çünkü üniversiteler çok uzun süreler yaşayacak büyük, eğitim ve kültür kurumlarıdır. Ancak bu kurumların planlamasını ve tasarımını etkileyen yukarıdaki kavramlar değişkendir. İşte bu nedenle belki de üniversite kampüslerinde aranması gereken en önemli özellik büyüyebilirlik ve esnekliktir. Ancak bu özellikleri bünyesinde barındıran üniversite kampüslerinin değişmelere ayak uydurarak güncelliğini koruyabileceği vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. The quality and numbers of universities in our country are increasing with an increasing acceleration day by day shows that we have to pay attention and spend more time and effort on this issue. Some of the reasons are the complexity of their structure, their importance on country's life and high costs. Everything from a classical education to the acquisition of the simplest non-intellectual skills has found a place in the educational structure that stretches from great universities and traditional colleges to teachers' colleges. Technology, urbanisation, international causes and national ambitions have led people as a society to give a special place to higher education. Whether as a requirement for survival or simply as a means to the next plateau on to which a maturing civilisation must scramble, we have to commit ourselves to using colleges and universities for training all our professionals, conducting much of our pure research and providing the main body of community, slate and national leadership. This idea have to be a priority and the most important principle to deserve to be a contemporary nation in the following centuries. Building a university is a very big and important, economic and social fact that has been converted into a reality. The physical forms which house the process of higher education are sell' evidently important. Building a university is a very big and important, economic and social fact that has been converted into a reality. The importance of the planning development process of a new establishing university is a clear fact. And the steps of this process have to be mentioned and studied in details. This process consists of those steps; the objective of the university, selection of the settlement place in the country, region, and city, determining the general character and enlargement of university, making the programs as a basis for university, determining the quality and criteria of development, and making the general design decisions. The size of the problem we face in designing these facilities is not common knowledge. Success will be achieved with the cautious studies during the process. And we know that institutions are long-lived. How well the planners and designers meet the lask will be the measure by which posterity will judge themselves. These will show the level of success. Before the above mentioned design process, the decisions applied by architects are in limited quantity. I lowever to get a good result is due to pro-active tasks of architectsin this process. For this reason; evaluating the issues concerning above facts and concepts, submitting the results arose with the campus design to the architects are in the core of the topic. Physical plans must be both general and specific; they must be concerned with immediate requirements as well as long-range considerations; they must cover the campus and environs as well as specific building sites; and they must implement today's educational goals while at the same time encourage if they can, but not hinder, new objectives. Plans -as an instrument by which the campus administration can make good decisions- should reflect the institution's point of view on land-use development, incorporate the widest range of opinions to reasonable alternatives. Plans should aid the architect in successfully completing his commission, give design form to the entire campus, serve as symbol for friends alumni to support emotionally and financially. Plans must be practical and plans must be imaginative. So broad and encompassing a view indicates further need for making full distinctions between kinds of physical plans. The elements of good planning are fairly well known; a body of information sufficient for the undertaking and as broad a participation as possible in the process of planning. The former comprises all serviceable data from which the future can be constructed. The latter is essentially that commonwealth of effort necessary to finding and supporting a consensus of what the future should be. Within this framework there are divergent approaches today to campus planning. But it is encouraging to note general agreement that planning can bridge the gap between the past and what is to come, translating enterprise into reality. In this thesis; the problems of higher education and universitilization process are scanned and explained in the circumstances of Turkey. However the current education and higher education systems in Turkey are originated from European and American systems caused the necessity of examining the rising and evolution of university idea. Another objective in this thesis is to suggest ways and means by which the development of university campuses can be controlled, so that functional goals can be aesthetically expressed with least compromise to the past, the present and the future. There are many examples and concepts about universities and campuses among the chapters of this thesis but it is a fact that higher education can not be so easily categorised. This thesis essentially attempts to establish a base of departure so that each institution, each planner, each designer might find an individual solution appropriate for the particular problem, as well as general solutions for general problems. But it has to be mentioned that these arc not the only way or the only solution and also a common receipt can not be given or accepted in planning and designing any project especially in this subject `university and campus planning and designing`. XIH oo K « t, O H S O s- p. H H X O- KT £2 E 6 O..55 :?>.1 ı ı 'g - o. S T il! `s -8.1 « S. 8 «a s 1 § »i T^ * I* 2 g i İli 8 I O oı S 00.İl.s -I -Sill ^.8İJ8İAİ-8. 1.8 1 1 S-a 1 8 İİJJUM.8 Q o S 85 o. a. S o. I XIIIn the first part of the thesis; the aim of the subject, its concept and its methods used in order to teach the aim and the importance of the higher education has tried to be explained. Besides the purposes of higher education in the following century and its active influence for the future of the countries are indicated. Basically in these general conditions the formation of our higher education, its policies and the policies that have to be taken lor the future are mentioned. In the second part; the general definition of the universities, the places of the first universities and their organisational and physical structure arc defined. Also the evolution of universities is tried to be explained during the process, starting from the first established universities till today's contemporary universities. And also, presenting a broad view of how campuses are being developed and how present techniques might be sharpened for better results are given. Although the first universities were settled in the city centres, their enlargement by the time forced them to move to the bigger areas out of the cities. The reasons behind this fact are presented in details with its all advantages and disadvantages when the city campuses are explained due to today's circumstances. All the above mentioned issues are approached according to Turkey's higher education system beginning with Ottoman education constitutions called 'medrese'. For this reason, it is necessary to mention the physical and structural development of education constitutions `medrese' existing in Anatolian before the law of Union In Education called 'Tcvhid-i Tedrisat' -based upon the higher education system in Europe in those days- was accepted in the first years of Turkish Republic. At the end of this chapter, the reformation of higher education system in Turkey is explained with the Turkish Republic Revolutions after the I. World War. In the fourth chapter; the phases of physical planning process of the university campuses are clarified and all the phases of the process are defined in details for the designing process. The main issues of this process - pre-programming. schematic development plan, selection of the area and preparation of decisive development plan- are defined. The contents of this chapter are arranged in a chronological order; firstly making the decisions about the aim. place, population and the inner structure of the university, and the using these decisions to form the campus design process raising this require program up to the third dimension. In the fifth chapter; the development and flexibility concepts which were took place many limes in the previous chapters are defined in details. And it is emphasized that the development and flexibility capability are the most important properties that must lake place in the higher education constitutions which have a lasting dynamism. Allthese properties, the reasons and the results of these properties are specified in this chapter. In the sixth chapter; the importance of the settlement system of the city campuses and the selection of campus tissues due to the concepts explained in the previous chapters. And the six different types of campus settlement systems which are specified as a result of the studies in these concepts of these six systems. So all the advantages and disadvantages are specified due to all those concepts. As a result the most qualified settlement plans and using schemas of these six settlement plans are shown to make easy to understand these systems. In the final chapter; because of having so different dimensions and being variable of the factors that define the university campus plan and design only the related problems are clarified and explained instead of giving common and predefined receipts for the campus designs to the planners and designers. 159


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