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Turizmde çevre etiketi olarak mavi bayrak
- Publication Year :
- 2009
- Publisher :
- Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2009.
- Sanayi devrimi ile büyük bir ivme kazanan çevre kirlenmesinin önlenebilmesi ve çevrenin yeniden kazanılması ile ilgili her ne tedbir alınırsa alınsın, en önemli ve kayda değer çalışma bu konudaki eğitim çalışmalarıdır. Bunun yanında medyanın konuya verdiği önem ve konu ile alakalı yapılan ilgi çekici belgesel çalışmalar halkın bu konuya olan ilgisini arttırmakta ve daha duyarlı davranmasına yolaçmaktadır.Küresel anlamda çevre eğitimi ve çevre bilincinin oluşması, diğer taraftan Mavi Bayrak ya da diğer eko-etiketlerin işleyiş prensibinin oluşmasına da yön göstermiştir. Mavi Bayrak Ödülü ve diğer birçok eko-etiket, gönüllülük esasına dayanırken, işte bu sözü edilen çalışmaların meyvesini topluyor diyebiliriz.Bu çalışmada, eko-etiket kavramı ele alınarak tarihi gelişimi, yer yüzündeki dağılımı, eko-etiket çeşitleri ve halen ülkemizde kullanılmakta olan eko-etiketlere kısaca değinilmiştir. Bunlar içinde gerek ulusal gerekse uluslararası alanda en önemli olanı Mavi Bayrak Ödülü ise ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmış, sistematik olarak ayrıntılandırılmış ve turizm açısından irdelenmiştir. Ülkemizde gündeme geldiği andan itibaren, turizm sektöründeki ivmeye paralel olarak hızlı bir gelişim gösteren Mavi Bayrak eko-etiketi her geçen gün daha da bilinirlik kazanmakta ve turizm sektöründe etkisini daha güçlü hissettirmektedir. Bunun son örneği ise `Yatlarda Mavi Bayrak Ödülü' uygulamasıdır. Environmental pollution has accelerated enormously with industrial revolution. The most important measure, that needs to be taken is educating people on this subject to prevent environmental pollution and to restore environment. Besides education, media and interesting documentary films on the subject is crucial to attract the attention of people. Those will also help people to be sensitive on the environmental problems.Environmental education and environmental awareness in the global sense has directed the principles for the creation of Blue Flag or other eco-labels. Blue Flag Award and many other eco-labels, which work on a voluntary basis, helps us to collect the good results of these concepts.This study discusses briefly eco-label concept, its historical background and worldwide use, different kinds of eco-labels and eco-labels that are currently used around our country. In this study Blue Flag Award which is the most important in national and international area is discussed in detail, systematically detailed and considered from the concept of tourism. Blue Flag eco-label has progressed very fast parallel to progressing tourism industry and has more important effect on the tourism sector . Last example of this is the `Blue Flag Award? application on yachts.Environmental pollution has accelerated enormously with industrial revolution. The most important measure, that needs to be taken is educating people on this subject to prevent environmental pollution and to restore environment. Besides education, media and interesting documentary films on the subject is crucial to attract the attention of people. Those will also help people to be sensitive on the environmental problems.Environmental education and environmental awareness in the global sense has directed the principles for the creation of Blue Flag or other eco-labels. Blue Flag Award and many other eco-labels, which work on a voluntary basis, helps us to collect the good results of these concepts.This study discusses briefly eco-label concept, its historical background and worldwide use, different kinds of eco-labels and eco-labels that are currently used around our country. In this study Blue Flag Award which is the most important in national and international area is discussed in detail, systematically detailed and considered from the concept of tourism. Blue Flag eco-label has progressed very fast parallel to progressing tourism industry and has more important effect on the tourism sector . Last example of this is the `Blue Flag Award? application on yachts.Environmental pollution has accelerated enormously with industrial revolution. The most important measure, that needs to be taken is educating people on this subject to prevent environmental pollution and to restore environment. Besides education, media and interesting documentary films on the subject is crucial to attract the attention of people. Those will also help people to be sensitive on the environmental problems.Environmental education and environmental awareness in the global sense has directed the principles for the creation of Blue Flag or other eco-labels. Blue Flag Award and many other eco-labels, which work on a voluntary basis, helps us to collect the good results of these concepts.This study discusses briefly eco-label concept, its historical background and worldwide use, different kinds of eco-labels and eco-labels that are currently used around our country. In this study Blue Flag Award which is the most important in national and international area is discussed in detail, systematically detailed and considered from the concept of tourism. Blue Flag eco-label has progressed very fast parallel to progressing tourism industry and has more important effect on the tourism sector . Last example of this is the `Blue Flag Award? application on yachts.Environmental pollution has accelerated enormously with industrial revolution. The most important measure, that needs to be taken is educating people on this subject to prevent environmental pollution and to restore environment. Besides education, media and interesting documentary films on the subject is crucial to attract the attention of people. Those will also help people to be sensitive on the environmental problems.Environmental education and environmental awareness in the global sense has directed the principles for the creation of Blue Flag or other eco-labels. Blue Flag Award and many other eco-labels, which work on a voluntary basis, helps us to collect the good results of these concepts.This study discusses briefly eco-label concept, its historical background and worldwide use, different kinds of eco-labels and eco-labels that are currently used around our country. In this study Blue Flag Award which is the most important in national and international area is discussed in detail, systematically detailed and considered from the concept of tourism. Blue Flag eco-label has progressed very fast parallel to progressing tourism industry and has more important effect on the tourism sector . Last example of this is the `Blue Flag Award? application on yachts. 148
- Language :
- Turkish
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od.....10208..6bd1b0f7af1feb71a6a87a8584ab49f3