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Hemşirelik yüksekokulu öğrencileri ve öğretim üyeleri arasındaki iletişimin transaksiyonel analiz ego durumları açısından değerlendirilmesi
- Publication Year :
- 2007
- Publisher :
- Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007.
- Ogretme-ogrenme siirecinde egitimci ve ogrenci arasmdaki iletisim, amaglanandavraru§larm ogrenilebilmesinde ya§amsal bir oneme sahiptir. Iletisim siireci hembireylerin davranislanni hem de ogrenmelerini etkileyeceginden, ozellikle egitimortaminda saglikli bir rtetisimin kurulmasi ve surduriilmesi gerekmektedir. Ogrenciegitimciili§kisinin niteligi egitim surecinin hemen her asamasinda ogretme-ogrenmeetkinhginin verimli olabilmesine temel olusturmaktadrr. Gunumiizde egitim, ozelliklemesleki ve yuksekogretim diizeyindeki egitim interaktif bir siireg olaraktarumlanmaktadrr. Karsilikli iliskilerin istenen yonde gergeklegmemesi egitimetkinliklerini de olumsuz yonde etkileyeceginden egitimci-ogrenci arasindaki ileti§imdaha da onem kazanmaktadrr. Egitim siirecine bakildigrnda, insan davranislariningehstirilinesi, degi§tirilmesi ya da yonlendirilrnesinde en biiyuk rol egitimciye aittir.Egitimci ve ogrenci netisiminin dogasini anlamak igin gok gesitli ara§tirmalaryapilmi§tir ve yapilmaktadir. Bu arastirmada hemsire ogretim xiyesi ve ogrenciueti§imine farkli bir agidan bakmayi saglayacak, bir kisilik ve ileti§im kurami olanTransaksiyonel Analiz Yaklasrmi rehber alrnmi§tir.Arastirmada nitel ve nicel veri toplama yontemlerinden odak grup goriismesi,gozlem ve anket yontemi ile veriler elde edilmiftir. Arastirmada elde edilen nicelverilerin analizinde yiizdelik, Mann-Whitney U testi, Krusskall-Wallis testi, VaryansAnalizi(ANOVA), post-hoc Scheffe ve Dunnet'C testi, Spearman ve Pearson CZarprmMoment Korelasyon katsayisi yontemleri; nitel verilerin analizinde ise Betimsel Analizyontemi kuUarulmistir. Nicel verilere gore ogretim uyesinin agrrlikla Yetiskin, en azElestirel Ebeveyn ve Dogal (^ocuk ego durumunu sergiledikleri; ogrencilerin ya§lan,siruflan, annelerinin egitim durumu, ogretim iiyesi ile olan ttetisimlerini algilamadiizeyi, ogretim uyesinin yasi, akademik derecesi, gahsma yih, ogretim iiyesi olarakgalisma yih, medeni durumu ve gocuk sahibi olma durumlarinin ogretim uyelerininego dururnlanru kullanmalarma yonelik ogrenci g6ru§lerini etkiledigi belirleruni§tir.Nitel verilere gore ise netisimin genel olarak iyi oldugu, agirlikh olarak paraleltransaksiyonlann, daha seyrek olarak gapraz ve gizil transaksiyonlann gergekle§tigi,ogretim uyesinin Elestirel Ebeveyn ego durumunu ogrencinin Uygulu ^ocuk egodurumunu kullandigi transaksiyonlann tercih edilmedigi, list siruilara dogrunetisimin olumluya gittigi, yararsiz Koruyucu Ebeveyn davranislarinin olabildigibelirlenrnistir.Anahtar Kelimeler : Iletisim, Hemsirelik ogrencisi, Hem§irelik Egitimi, Hem§irelikEgitiminde Iletisim, Transaksiyonel Analiz It has vital importance communication between faculty and student duringteaching and learning process in learning aimed behaviors. It is necessary to developand maintain a healty communication speacially in education circumstances becausecommunication process effect on both individuals' behaviors and their learning. Thequality of relationship of student-educator bases on for effective teadiing-learningactivities in almost every stage of education process. Today education, specially at thelevel of occupational and higher education is described as an interactive process. Thecommunication between educator-student comes into question much because mutualrelationships don't come true in demanded way which can effect educational activitiesin negative way. The biggest role belongs to educator in developing, changing andguidancing human beings behaviors when it is looked the education process.Various researches had been done and is to be done to understand the nature ofcommunication between educator and student. Transactional Analysis Approachwhich is a personality and communication theory is used as an guidance to be able toprovide to look at differently the communication of nursing faculty and student in thisresearch.Data were obtained with focus group interview, observation, and questionairemethods which are qualitative and quantitative in this researh. Quantitavive dataobtained from researh were evaluated with percentage, Mann-Whitney U test,Krusskall-Wallis test, one way variance analysis (ANOVA), post-hoc Scheffe ve DunnetC test, Spearman ve Pearson moment correlation coefficients technique; in evaluationof qualitative data were used descriptive analysis methods.According to quantitative data, it was determined that faculties demostratedtheirselves as an Adult, the least Critical Parent Ego State and Natural Child Ego State;students ages, grades, their mothers' education level, percevied level ofcommunication with faculty member, faculty's age, faculty's academic degree, lenghtof work experience, working year as a faculty, marital status, status of having childrenhad effect on students' opinions directed towards faculties' using ego states. Accordingto qualitative data, it was determined that communication was generally good, paraleltransactions came trust predominantly, cross and hidden transactions came trueseldomly, faculty used the Critical Parents Ego States, students used Adapted ChildrenEgo States and not were prefered transactions, communication went into positive waytoward to upper grades, bootless Nurturing Parent Ego State's behaviors were.Key Words : Commuication, Nursing Student, Nursing Education, Communicaton inNursing Education, Transactional Analysis 217
- Subjects :
- Nursing
- Language :
- Turkish
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od.....10208..6080f18e4bbd4974e24fd1d8896b5bec